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Search results for keyword: mutation
Chinese-English bilingual commonly used in the motor industry (2)
Introduction of Electric Motors Electric motors are vital components of many machines used in industries. They are basically designed to convert electrical energy into mechanical power. Whether its a car, a robot, or a lawn mower, electric motors are essential machines found in almost all electri......
tags: motors electric motor electric motor motors
radioactive sorting
Radioactive Selection Radioactive selection is a method of gene selection in which a specific gene is identified and selected for further manipulation. The steps involved in the process are described below : 1. Codon-Based Selection: The first step of the Radioactive Selection process is to iden......
Lung cancer caused by asbestos
Asbestos-Related Lung Cancer Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been used for centuries for its strength and insulation properties. Unfortunately, these same properties also make asbestos fibers hazardous if inhaled. Asbestos-related lung cancers, known as mesothelioma, emerge lon......
Introduction Radiation has been around since the beginning of time and humans have known about it since the late 1800s. It is a form of energy that is released in the form of waves or particles from a source, such as the sun or a radioactive element. Radiation from natural sources, such as the su......
tags: radiation can such radiation can exposure
Common warning signs on packaging
Warning Signs Regulated by Governmental Agencies The United States government, through various enforcement and regulatory agencies, has a standard set of warning signs that must be used to identify hazards and hazardous conditions found in the workplace or consumer products. There is an extensive......
tags: symbol identify used product warnings warning
Selection of motor brushes
Motor Brushes Selection Introduction Selecting the correct brush for electric motors can be tricky as motors come in many different sizes and types. However, understanding the fundamentals of brush selection will ensure that the correct brush is chosen for each application. This paper will discu......
tags: brushes brush motor brush motors its
Austenitic tissue inheritance
Familial hyperinsulinism (FH) is a genetic disorder that occurs when an individual has abnormally high concentrations of circulating insulin. This condition is associated with mutations in genes that encode proteins involved in the regulation of insulin secretion. FH is typically inherited in an a......
Introduction The down syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects more than 350,000 people and their families across the United States. It is one of the most common birth defects and is caused by a random error in the chromosomes. About one in 691 babies are born with Down syndrome, making it the......
tags: syndrome down chromosome marfan syndrome can
Closed hole type
Introduction As a human being, we all have different kinds of personalities but there is always one common factor that characterises all of us and that is the need for closure. We all want to feel closure and completion to whatever we have started on our paths. We need closure in everything—from......
tags: closure typically we lip cleft surgery
The human genome project is an ambitious research project to sequence and map all the genes of the human body. It was initiated in the late 1980s and officially launched in 1990 with the support of the U.S. Department of Energy and the NIH (National Institutes of Health). The main objectives of t......
tags: human genome our nuclear fusion energy
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