Common warning signs on packaging

Warning Signs Regulated by Governmental Agencies The United States government, through various enforcement and regulatory agencies, has a standard set of warning signs that must be used to identify hazards and hazardous conditions found in the workplace or consumer products. There is an extensive......

Warning Signs Regulated by Governmental Agencies

The United States government, through various enforcement and regulatory agencies, has a standard set of warning signs that must be used to identify hazards and hazardous conditions found in the workplace or consumer products. There is an extensive list of these symbols, some of which are frequently encountered.

Danger: The danger symbol is usually in red, and often features an exclamation point framed by a triangle. This symbol is used to identify a hazard that is considered potentially deadly, or can cause serious injury or death. It may indicate a high voltage situation, or a chemical that is corrosive or flammable.

Warning: The warning symbol is usually in yellow, and features an exclamation point framed by a triangle. This symbol is used to identify a hazard that, while not necessarily deadly, can still cause injury or harm. It may indicate that there is a hot surface or a chemical may be flammable or highly volatile.

Caution: This symbol, which is often a yellow or black triangle with an exclamation point, is used to identify a hazard that is unlikely to cause serious injury but could still pose a potential hazard. It may indicate a slippery surface or a chemical that could cause skin or eye irritation.

Notice: The notice symbol is often a blue triangle with an exclamation point. This symbol is used to identify a potential hazard that does not pose a significant risk of injury or harm, but needs to be taken into consideration. It may indicate a dangerous or hazardous situation, or point to an instruction or procedure that needs to be followed.

Biohazard: The biohazard symbol is composed of three curved black lines arranged in a circle with a red border and often features the stylized letter B inside it. This symbol is used to identify the presence of a hazardous microorganism, such as a virus, bacteria or fungus, or a material that has been contaminated with a infectious microorganism.

Poison: The poison symbol is composed of a white skull and crossbones in a red triangle. This symbol is used to identify poisonous substances or those that could cause serious health issues if not handled with care. It often indicates that the substance is highly toxic and even a small amount may cause an adverse reaction.

Radioactivity: The radioactivity symbol is composed of three trefoils arranged in a triangle with a black border. This symbol is used to identify the presence of dangerous levels of radiation that must be minimized or eliminated in order to protect human health and safety.

Fire: This symbol is composed of an extinguisher with a red flame, and often features the stylized letter F below it. This symbol is used to identify a hazard that involves combustion, such as a flammable or combustible material or an open flame.

Explosion: The explosion symbol is composed of a black flame in a red triangle, and often features the stylized letter E below it. This symbol is used to identify explosive material or a hazard that involves the rapid release of gasses or chemicals.

Signs and symbols are a very important part of workplace and consumer safety, as they can alert people to the presence of a hazard that may not be clearly visible. By familiarizing yourself with these standard warning signs, you can help ensure a safe and healthy environment for everyone.

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