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Search results for keyword: cognitive
Sunk costs
Sunk Cost Fallacy What is Sunk Cost Fallacy? Sunk cost fallacy is when a cost has occurred and it cannot be recovered, but rather than make the most logical decision, a person continues in their original investment choices. This means continuing to invest in something even when it has become more......
tags: costs sunk project cost sunk costs
simulation game method
Simulation Games Theory Simulation Games Theory is a relatively new field of research that seeks to analyze and study the effects of simulation-based games and their associated activities. Examples of simulation games include board games, role-playing games, and computer simulation games. This ty......
tags: games simulation theory games simulation used
Lewin's participatory change theory
Lev Vygotsky’s Theory of Participation and Change Lev Vygotsky’s theory of participation and change has been influential in the field of psychology for more than a century. The theory is primarily concerned with how individuals develop and change through both social and personal interactions. V......
Toyota Corporation Selection Program
Toyota Selection Program At Toyota, our goal is to create an organization that meets the best of people—the brightest, the most capable, and those with the most potential. We recognize that people are our greatest asset and the key to our success. That’s why we have established our Toyota Selec......
Gestalt psychology theory
cognitive-Behavioral Theory cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that is based on the idea that our thoughts and beliefs can shape our emotions and behavior. CBT is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy that has been proven to be an effective treatment for various psych......
Furlong's career motivation theory
THEORY OF CAREER CHANGE MOTIVATION(RESEARCH BY ADAM FORLONG) Introduction Career changes are an essential life event for individuals as it often involves taking big risks from both personal and professional perspectives. The choice of career and path of job opportunities are often influenced by ......
conceptual skills
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are something that everyone can benefit from. In fact, these skills are essential for success in any profession or academic field. critical thinking and problem solving are the ability to use logical reasoni......
rational deductive model
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is an advancement of the cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach and is a form of psychotherapy developed by the late American psychologist, Albert Ellis. REBT maintains a distinctive perspective in terms of med......
tags: rebt their beliefs irrational rebt their
Likert's New Model of Management
Introduction Peter Drucker is considered one of the founding fathers of modern management, born in Vienna in 1909. Alumnus of Frankfurt school of Economics and Imperial College London, his works have been incredibly influential on the development of modern management philosophy. One of his most i......
halo effect
The Halo Effect The Halo effect is a psychology phenomenon where one trait is used to make broad generalisations or assumptions about other characteristics related to that person. This effect is especially noticeable in situations in which someone has an initial positive opinion of someone or som......
tags: can halo effect halo our effect
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