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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is an advancement of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach and is a form of psychotherapy developed by the late American psychologist, Albert Ellis. REBT maintains a distinctive perspective in terms of med......

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is an advancement of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach and is a form of psychotherapy developed by the late American psychologist, Albert Ellis. REBT maintains a distinctive perspective in terms of medical treatment and psycho-therapeutic practices. The primary goal of REBT is to assist an individual in replacing irrational beliefs with rational ones. The central tenet of REBT is that it is not the events that occur in our lives that cause our negative emotions and behaviors; rather, it is the evaluations, beliefs and assumptions we make about ourselves, about others and about the world that cause our distress. REBT does not focus on blaming others for an individual’s distress; instead, it teaches that each individual has the power to take responsibility for his/her life and can make conscious choices in order to change it.

REBT is rooted in the humanistic concept of self-actualization, which suggests that human beings have a profound capacity to make positive changes in their lives. Unlike other forms of psychotherapy, REBT focuses on teaching the necessary skills and strategies for achieving self-actualization. Specifically, REBT focuses on helping individuals to identify and analyze irrational beliefs and replace these beliefs with more logically consistent beliefs that are rooted in reality. This process is known as cognitive restructuring. A primary purpose of this process is to help individuals to identify the core belief systems they have developed and to challenge these beliefs with evidence and logic.

In the REBT approach, irrational beliefs are identified as any thought or belief that is illogical, exaggerated, or otherwise distorted. Irrational beliefs can be focused on any topic and can include statements such as, “I must be perfect”; “Everything must turn out the way I want it to”; or “Others should treat me with respect and kindness.” REBT helps individuals to recognize these irrational beliefs and subsequently modify their thinking to create more realistic thoughts and expectations.

REBT is based on the idea that changing ones thoughts can lead to changes in behavior and feelings. This is because people tend to respond to situations or events based on their beliefs and expectations. For example, if a person believes that the world is a terrible and dangerous place, they may feel scared and stressed much of the time and may behave in a manner that reinforces this belief. Similarly, if a person believes he/she can accomplish anything they set their mind to, they may be more likely to take positive risks and take on difficult tasks with a sense of enthusiasm and determination.

Therefore, through REBT, individuals are taught to recognize their irrational and/or distorted beliefs and replace them with more realistic and positive beliefs. During sessions, individuals learn to identify and challenge their irrational beliefs about themselves and others, and learn to replace them with more based on logical and evidence. Additionally, clients are encouraged to look at their behavior from a logical, rather than an emotional standpoint, in order to identify irrational patterns of behavior and make changes. The goal of REBT is to ultimately enable individuals to take control of their lives by recognizing, understanding, and applying cognitive skills.

The ultimate goal of REBT is to help individuals to become more comfortable in their own skin and more confident in their interactions with the world. Through REBT, individuals can learn to how to accept themselves and their limitations, while still striving to reach their goals. Additionally, REBT encourages individuals to recognize that their beliefs and interpretations have a direct influence over their emotions and behavior. The skills and strategies taught in the therapy can therefore provide individuals with a greater sense of empowerment and control over their own lives.

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