Furlong's career motivation theory

THEORY OF CAREER CHANGE MOTIVATION(RESEARCH BY ADAM FORLONG) Introduction Career changes are an essential life event for individuals as it often involves taking big risks from both personal and professional perspectives. The choice of career and path of job opportunities are often influenced by ......



Career changes are an essential life event for individuals as it often involves taking big risks from both personal and professional perspectives. The choice of career and path of job opportunities are often influenced by the economic, physical, social and other external influences. Despite the fact that most career changes generally depend on external pressures, there are also some cases in which individuals take initiative and opt for a career change due to personal career ambitions or interests.

One of the most accepted theories of career change motivation is Adam Forlong’s Theory of Career Change Motivation (TCCM). Forlong’s theory was developed to identify underlying individual factors behind the choice of career and job opportunities. The theory goes beyond the usual idea of career change as a result of an external influence or environmental conditions. The theory argues that individuals are motivated by certain underlying personal needs and goals during a career change.

Defining The Theory

Forlongs Theory of Career Change Motivation (TCCM) states that individuals make their career decisions on the basis of their personal desires and motivations. The motivation behind a career change is out of the individual’s internal desire to build a better life. The choice of career is largely focused on self-fulfillment and a sense of achievement.

The theory suggests that a career change can be initiated by a certain set of needs and motivations driving a person towards a particular career. The individual must have an internal desire to make something out of life in order to motivate them to make a career change. Forlongs Theory further suggests that it is the motivating factors or desires that lead to a career change, not merely the external circumstances.

Theorys Basic Principles

The main principle of the theory is that individuals’ motivation towards making a career change is based on some internal needs, desires, and goals. Such desires often lead individuals to explore opportunities that fulfill their satisfaction and personal achievements. The theory also suggests that a career change is mainly initiated by factors such as a need for advancement, a need for change in lifestyle, a need for increased responsibility, or a need for additional income.

Forlong’s Theory distinguishes between two types of career changes: proactive and reactive. Proactive career changes are those made out of an individual choice, while reactive career changes imply those who are enacted due to an external event. Such external events can be a negative job market, economic conditions, being laid-off, or some other external factor.

The theory further states that a career change is mainly a cognitive choice as individuals must take into consideration the various elements that may be influencing their career decision. Such elements include one’s personal desires and motivations, the existing job market, available options and resources, and the potential risks.

Implications and Applications

There are several implications and applications of Forlong’s Theory of Career Change Motivation. From a personal perspective, the theory suggests that individuals should be aware of their needs and motivations when making a career change and take into consideration the potential risks. It is also important for individuals to consider the potential benefits or rewards that can be achieved through a career change.

From a professional perspective, Forlong’s Theory can be used as a means of understanding the motivations of employees and help organizations to better manage the career changes of their employees. Additionally, the theory can be used to identify potential risks of making career changes and help organizations to anticipate and plan for potential risks associated with career changes.


Adam Forlong’s Theory of Career Change Motivation offers a comprehensive understanding of the various motivations underlying a career change. The theory also helps to distinguish between proactive and reactive career changes, as well as identify the various elements that may be influencing an individual’s career decision. By understanding the motivations of individuals towards making a career change, organizations can better manage the career changes of their employees.

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