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Search results for keyword: warrant
GFT Technologies GFT Technologies is an innovative IT and consulting services company. Established in 1987, they are a leading provider of business solutions and services in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and the Middle East. With their modern, agile and fast-paced approach, GFT is one of the most i......
tags: services solutions their their gfg services
English-Chinese comparison of machine tool industry (3)
? Helping customers is a hallmark of machine tool industry support. Experience counts in customer support as users depend on decades of knowledge when it comes to programming, repair and finding solutions. Areas like toolroom troubleshooting, preventive maintenance and customer technical support a......
Industry Standard Specification English-Chinese Comparison-Technical Equipment (4)
Industry Standard English-Chinese Translation – Process and Equipment (4) 4.3 Certification and Acceptance of Process and Equipment 4.3 过程装备的认证和验收 4.3.1 Certification 4.3.1 认证 The certification is a confirmatory document issued after the manufacturer meets all the established saf......
malformed terms
Manifesting Poor Quality Poor quality is a term used to describe the state of a product or service that does not meet the required quality standards in terms of its design, material, production or performance. Poor quality is a major problem in product design, production and delivery, and it can......
tags: quality poor can defects can these
cost-benefit analysis
Cost Benefit Analysis Introduction: Cost Benefit Analysis is a method of determining the value of a project by comparing the benefits of the project to its costs. This type of analysis is commonly used by businesses and organizations to evaluate the monetary potential of investments and activities......
tags: project analysis costs cost benefit project
Natural gas storage and distribution station design
Natural Gas Compressor Station Design For many years natural gas compressor stations have been used to transport large volumes of natural gas over long distances, allowing power generation facilities, industrial users and local distribution companies to access the natural resources they need. T......
tags: station compressor natural gas station natural
Techno-economic design of metallurgical projects
Projected Feasibility Study of Metallurgical Design Introduction Metallurgy is the science and technology of extracting metals from their ores, refining them and preparing them for use. Metallurgical projects require careful consideration of a project’s technical design as well as a due diligen......
Compressed air piping installation
Air Compressor Piping Installation The installation of an air compressor is much more complicated than other systems as one not only requires a properly sized and energy efficient compressor, but also requires a proper piping that ensures the compressed air delivery to its location. In order to e......
tags: air compressor piping air piping system
total radioactivity monitoring
,不要太基础的知识, Introduction Radiation monitoring is the practice of measuring radiation levels to determine the atmospheric exposure to various materials. This can be done using a variety of methods, from radiation detectors to satellites in orbit. The goal of radiation monitoring is to ide......
Mine Fire Protection
Mine Fire Prevention Mine fires are highly hazardous events that can cause deaths, severe injury, destruction of property and also loss of resources. The prevention and control of accidental fires at mines have become increasingly important as the world’s natural resources and hours of working u......
tags: fire mine can fire all these
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