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Search results for keyword: bureaucracies
Fayol's general management theory
Herbert Alexander Simon’s General Theory of Administration Herbert Alexander Simon (1916-2001) was an American scientist and professor of political science at the University of Chicago. He was the recipient of the 1976 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his contribution to the fields of organi......
Weber's theory of bureaucratic organization
Max Webers Bureaucratic Organizational Theory Max Weber was a German economist and sociologist who is best known for his bureaucratic organizational theory. His theory originates from 1945 and has been extremely influential in how organizations are currently managed. His central argument was that......
Consolidated business tax
? Tax Harmonization Tax harmonization is the process of uniting different tax laws among nations or within a single country’s regions to eliminate duplicative taxation, disparities across borders and opportunities for tax avoidance. Although international tax harmonization has been a long-term g......
tags: tax harmonization governments tax businesses system
Disappearance of the middle system
Introduction The hollowing out of the middle class has become an issue of increasing concern across the world in recent times. A number of theories, such as Robert Putnam’s ‘the culture of honor theory’, have been proposed to explain why the middle class is being hollowed out. One such theory ......
tags: middle can system public bureaucracies have
Nationalization Nationalization is the process of taking a privately owned industry or asset and placing it under government control. In most cases, nationalization is implemented to provide a public good or service, increase efficiency, to prevent a large scale financial collapse, or to ensure t......
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