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Search results for keyword: adc
Deformed iron-chromium-cobalt permanent magnet alloy (YB/T5261-1993)
Introduction The Deformation FeCrCo Permanent Magnet Alloy, referred to here as FeCrCo PMA, is a new type of magnetic material based on the ferromagnetic properties of iron, cobalt, and chromium metals. It was developed by Tsinghua University and is currently the only such alloy available for com......
Use of Cf53
The purpose of the CF53 resource is to provide the public with information about the initiatives the Canadian federal government has taken to better meet the needs of those living in low-income households. The Canadian government has identified poverty as a primary concern in Canada. The CF53 port......
tags: poverty government cf53 used cf53 low
NS143 use
My Life at University We all have different stories about going to University. Whether it’s about attending classes, joining clubs, or just making friends, we all look back fondly on memories from our university lives. Im no different from most university students—I had my fair share of ups and......
tags: i my university drone ns143 capable
NS322 use
Development of NS322 NS322 is a new type of carbon-conjugated polymer developed by the company NS Polymer Inc, which has been designed with potential applications in a wide range of industries. This polymer contains a combination of carbon and nitrogen atoms held together by strong covalent bonds......
30 uses
The Benefits of Continuous Learning Continuous learning involves the process of acquiring knowledge throughout life and gaining the skills necessary to remain a productive member of society. It refers to the pursuit of lifelong learning through activities such as advanced education, experiential ......
tags: learning their continuous us our smartphone
English-Chinese comparison of advertising terms
Advertising: Advertising: n.广告; v.广告 Ad Copy: n. 广告文案 Creative: adj. 构思新颖的 CPA: 英文 Cost Per Action的简写, 意为“每行动成本” Click-Through Rate(CTR): 点击率; 点击比率; 点击到转化的比例 Conversion Rate: 转化率,指的是从点击一个广告引发的某种行为(注册、购买等)的百分比 Cost Pe......
tags: advertising per ads advertising ad cost
Explanation of common terms in CTI technology
电信和信息技术(Telecommunications and Information Technology, CTI)是将电信和信息技术应用到企业中,可提高管理能力和控制业务的过程。通过这一技术,企业可以将其数据系统与客服,财务,质量管理,计算机硬件,等服务相结合以便更有效地开展业务和管理,并在一系列的实现的潜力的信息技术(IT)和通信技术(CT)整......
Chinese-English Comparison Table of Equipment Vocabulary
Networked equipment vocabulary table English and Chinese 以下是网络设备词汇表:英文/汉语对照 Router 路由器 Hub 网络中继器 Switch 交换机 Modem 调制解调器 Network Interface Card 网卡 Fiber Optic Cable 光纤电缆 Wireless Access Point 无线接入点 Bluetooth Adapter 蓝牙适配器 Firewall 防火墙 A......
Shaped media
Alien Media The idea of an alien media has been around for centuries, but it wasnt until recently that this concept began to receive more attention from scientists and the public. The term alien media is used to describe any form of media or communication that originates from extraterrestrial so......
tags: alien media scientists media abnormal can
Sample minimum mass
The Invention of Television Technology has advanced rapidly in the twentieth century. One invention that has had a tremendous impact on our lives is the television. From the very first television inventions in the late 19th century, the technology has improved greatly and allowed for the broadcas......
tags: has television we quality important testing
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