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Overtax rebate
Tax Refunds Tax refunds can provide individuals with a much needed boost by giving them additional funds to spend. Whether its money needed to pay bills, or invest in new items, a tax refund can free up much needed resources. However, it is important to understand how they work in order to make t......
tags: refund tax can vat purchase refund
online project
Online Project Management: Tips for Working Effectively Online project management is becoming increasingly important in the business world. As businesses become more global, the need for efficient and effective project management is essential. In this article, we will look at some tips for success......
tags: project team important project online can
overdue loan
Overdue Loans What are Overdue Loans? An overdue loan is a loan that is past its due date without having received any payment from the borrower. The term overdue loan applies to any type of loan, including mortgages, personal loans, payday loans, student loans, and business loans. When a loan i......
tags: overdue loans loan overdue loans can
On-site bid award and evaluation method
Live Bidding and Evaluation Method Introduction Live bidding and evaluation is a process that utilises a combination of auction and firms’ proposals and presentations in order to acquire goods and services for an organisation. It is usually used for procurements that require highly technical pr......
tags: evaluation bidding process bidding decision process
original sin theory
? Original Sin Original Sin is a doctrine of Christianity and Judaism, describing humanitys condition of fundamental brokenness due to Adam and Eves disobedience to God in the Garden of Eden. The concept of original sin has been around for centuries and is found in both Catholic and Protestant de......
tags: sin original our sin original all
occurrence of debt
Credit Expansion Credit expansion refers to the extension of credit or increase in money supply by a bank or financial institution. Credit expansion is also known as inflationary finance. There are different types of credit expansion, including consumer credit, mortgage credit, and commercial cre......
tags: credit expansion money bonds government other
own fixed assets
Introduction Fixed assets refer to the long-term assets that are held by a business in order to operate its operation. They are also known as tangible assets since they can be physically seen. Fixed assets are generally used in the production process and are not intended for sale or use in the no......
tags: assets fixed business assets business selfowned
Off-balance sheet items
Balance Sheet Non-Monetary Assets Non-monetary assets, also referred to as non-current or long-term assets, are tangible or intangible resources owned by a company that have value, either monetary or non-monetary. Non-monetary assets appear on a company’s balance sheet, and their values may or m......
tags: assets nonmonetary value offbalancesheet items financial
optimal taxation theory
? The taxation of corporate profits is a contentious issue within governments and the business community. Many countries have adopted a variety of strategies for taxing corporate profits, ranging from modest taxes on domestic business and no taxes on foreign-sourced income to high taxes on domesti......
tags: corporate profits taxation taxation system tax
Optimal Commodity Tax Theory
Optimal Commodity Tax Theory Taxation is a major source of revenue for most governments. While the main purpose of taxes is to raise revenue, governments often use taxes to pursue specific policy objectives such as equity, economic efficiency, and environmental protection. Taxes may also be used ......
tags: optimal taxes commodity optimal taxation theory
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