On-site bid award and evaluation method

Finance and Economics 3239 05/07/2023 1061 Avery

Live Bidding and Evaluation Method Introduction Live bidding and evaluation is a process that utilises a combination of auction and firms’ proposals and presentations in order to acquire goods and services for an organisation. It is usually used for procurements that require highly technical pr......

Live Bidding and Evaluation Method


Live bidding and evaluation is a process that utilises a combination of auction and firms’ proposals and presentations in order to acquire goods and services for an organisation. It is usually used for procurements that require highly technical products and services, and often procures items from more than one source. The process allows the organisation not only to bid on the prices of products and services, but also to select the best supplier through evaluation of proposals and presentations.


The live bidding and evaluation process can be broken down into four steps :

1. Pre-Bidding Preparation

The first stage of the live bidding and evaluation process involves preparations for the bidding, such as creating and issuing bid documents, setting evaluation criterias, and selecting and inviting potential suppliers.

2. Bidding

The bidding stage is typically a public event and it is the responsibility of the organisation’s management to ensure that a fair and equitable bidding process is conducted. During this stage, the suppliers, representatives from the organisation, and the public receive the bid documents, submit bids, and answer questions from the other bidders.

3. Evaluation

In the evaluation stage, the organisation evaluates all the bids and proposals according to pre-determined criteria and selects the most appropriate and cost-effective proposal. This evaluation is typically done in-house by a panel of experts, and may include mock presentations to simulate the contract under different scenarios.

4. Award

Once the winning supplier has been selected, the organisation enters into a contract with the supplier, and a formal bid award is issued.


Live bidding and evaluation is a complex process, and requires careful and thorough preparation by the organisation in order to ensure that the best possible suppliers are selected at the best possible prices. As a result, the live bidding and evaluation process has become a popular and effective way for organisations to acquire goods and services.

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Finance and Economics 3239 2023-07-05 1061 AzureBreeze

On Scene Decision Bidding In bidding projects, on scene decision bidding is usually adopted by companies or organizations. This method is mainly used to determine the lowest or highest bid. First of all, in the bidding process, all bidders need to meet certain qualifications, including technical......

On Scene Decision Bidding

In bidding projects, on scene decision bidding is usually adopted by companies or organizations. This method is mainly used to determine the lowest or highest bid.

First of all, in the bidding process, all bidders need to meet certain qualifications, including technical ability, production capacity, economic strength and business experience, etc. Then they submit their bidding documents and wait for the results of the qualification review.

Then on the On site Decision Bidding day, the bidders can bring the relevant materials in preparation for the bidding. The main content of the Onsite Decision Bidding is for each bidder to make an oral offer on site according to the requirements of the buyer. In the bidding process, bidders need to bear in mind their business objectives and strategies, such as bidding in different ways, and using various strategies, such as opening bids and raising bids.

After the bidding, the buyer will talk to the winner and sign the contract. After the contract is signed, the buyer and the bidder must fulfil their obligations.

In conclusion, Onsite Decision Bidding is important in the bidding process. Therefore, it is essential that anyone taking part in Onsite Decision Bidding should understand the general bidding process and prepare necessary materials in advance.

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