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Other non-current liabilities
Generally speaking, non-current liabilities are obligations from non-current occurrences, often due more than 12 months after the reporting date. Non-current liabilities are a major part of the liabilities side of a companys balance sheet. In addition to non-current liabilities, current liabilitie......
Other current liabilities
Other Current Liabilities Other current liabilities refer to liabilities,which have to be paid within one year,which are not found to be part of the trade payables,interest payables,employee related payables,and other specific current liabilities. The key categories of other current liabilities i......
tags: liabilities other company liabilities current company
Other unpaid
It is the case of other unpaid payments. It appears to be a rather serious issue that needs to be dealt with promptly because of the sheer number of cases piling up. It is understandable that situations arise which make it difficult for individuals to pay their debts as scheduled. In todays econo......
tags: payment payments can school payment students
Other payables
The history of accounts payable as it relates to business dates back to the first use of currency. Accounts payable can be defined as amounts owed by a business to its suppliers or creditors for goods or services that have already been delivered or used. As such, accounts payable is group of asset......
tags: accounts payable business accounts payable need
other receivables
Due to the prevalence of debts being used as part of business operations, understanding the concept of other receivables is critically important. Other receivables refer to a company’s money that has been promised or due from another party due to a particular good or service being provided. This ......
tags: receivables other due accounts due receivable
Other long-term liabilities
Other Long-Term Liabilities Long-term liabilities are a term used to refer to obligations that will not mature or be due within one year. Depending on the business, these liabilities may include bonds, mortgages, leases, and supplier credits. Companies also have other long-term liabilities listed......
tags: liabilities longterm taxes longterm debt business
outstanding account
Unpaid items refer to the goods or services that have been provided but have not been charged to the customer. It is common in various industries, such as construction, engineering and IT related services. This module explains the steps to be taken when faced with an unpaid item. First of all, it......
tags: unpaid item customer bill item uncollected
Overage of intangible assets
Intangible asset accounting is an important accounting process for a company, it helps companies to monitor, recognize and measure the realization of the economic benefits that arise from intangible assets such as patents, copyrights, etc .The accounting process of intangible assets mainly involve......
tags: intangible asset assets verification intangible value
One guarantee and one control
One of the most important elements in ensuring the safety and security of any workplace is to ensure that the proper precautions have been taken. By implementing a one-stop, one-control system, employers are able to gain a greater level of control over their workplace and the workers within it. Th......
tags: workplace can employees safety one protect
one man company
As a sole proprietor, starting up your own business can be a daunting task. You must understand how to successfully finance and organize your new venture, how to maintain growth and sustainability, and how to protect yourself from legal and financial risks. While it can seem overwhelming, taking t......
tags: your business you business solo you
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