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Search results for keyword: wrote
Philip Kotler
Philipp Kötter: Innovator of the German Automotive Industry As the inventor of the automobile, German innovator Philipp Kötter is often credited with a major transformation in the automotive industry. Developing the car in 1885, Kötter established the world’s first mechanical horseless carria......
tags: kötter his car philip k dick
Theodoros Souvlis (1828 – 1890), better known as Theodore Durai was a Greek architect who left an indelible mark on European landscape architecture. He is credited with bringing the neo-Classical style to the forefront, and is also found to have had a hand in the aesthetics of Turkish and Middle ......
tags: he greek theodore his dostoevsky he
Feng Jinglan
Why We Need Exercise Exercise is important for our health, both mentally and physically. It can help us stay strong, fit, and healthy. Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of many diseases and improve our overall quality of life. It is recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes o......
tags: can exercise our film he his
F Bruce
关于莎士比亚 William Shakespeare was one of the worlds greatest playwrights, poets and actors. Born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, in 1564, Shakespeare left school and moved to London at an early age to pursue an acting career. His outstanding talent as a playwright was evident early in his care......
tags: his works plays has rose his
Brown, JR Joseph Rogers Brown
The importance of J.R. Joseph Rogers Brown It is without a doubt that J.R. Joseph Rogers Brown was a man who had an immense impact on the development of our modern world. From spanning generations to bridging the great Social Divide, he has left a legacy that is still felt today. A great humanita......
tags: his he jr he his brown
Franco Modigliani
Francesco Modigliani was an influential Italian scholar and artist whose substantial artistic and scholarly achievements earned him a plethora of awards and honors. He was born in Genoa on July 18, 1858, to a family of merchants. After graduating from the prestigious University of Pisa in 1880, Mo......
tags: his art italian he modigliani his
Francis Walker
约翰·弗朗西斯·沃尔克 (1786-1857) 是一位英国剧作家,他也被誉为英国黑暗戏剧之父。他最著名的剧作包括《理查三世》(1811年),《一个好人的礼物》(1815年),《 Love’s Sacrifice 》( 1815 年)和《 罗密欧与朱丽叶》(1833年)。 约翰·弗朗西斯·沃尔克受拉丁文和希腊文武断,具有史学和哲学的熏陶。他的剧作......
Francis Isidro Edgeworth
Francis Xavier Aiciwo was born on a small farm in southern Brazil in 1866. His parents, who were farmers, raised him with a strong appreciation for hard work and the value of a good day’s labor. As a young man, Francis worked hard in the fields and often stayed up late into the night to study. Hi......
tags: francis his legal he cheswick university
Friedrich von Wieser
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling was an influential German philosopher during the Age of German Idealism of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Born in 1775, in Wurttemberg, Germany, Schelling was the son of a clergyman. He studied philosophy and theology at Tübingen in 1795 and then we......
tags: he philosophy his von weizsacker his
Friedrich List
Frederick Lewis Til is one of the most influential social commentators of the 20th century. His work focuses on how modern society has evolved since the Industrial Revolution, and how our lives and relationships have changed as a result. He has written extensively on economics, sociology, and hist......
tags: his social til his lister major
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