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Search results for keyword: ulcers
Flotation agent
Floating Drug Selection Floating drug selection, also known as floating dispensing or pharmaceutical adhesive layer, is a technique for forming a drug layer on the surface of a liquid. The main purpose of this technique is to improve the accuracy of drug delivery in aqueous formulations. This pro......
occupational ulcer
Career ulcers Career ulcers are a painful kind of stress that affects many people who work in jobs that are high stress, high demand, and high risk. These kinds of jobs can expose people to constant physical and mental strain, and can be a major factor in the emotional, physical, and psychologica......
tags: can career ulcers venous ulcers stasis
local skin radiation injury
Introduction Radiation is one of the most common forms of properties in the world, composed of energy waves or particles. In many cases, radiation exposure is not associated with direct skin injury. However, radiation can cause serious skin damage if exposure is extreme. Radiation skin injury, a......
tags: radiation skin damage skin radiation injury
It is said that the world is changing rapidly these days. Technology is evolving and advancing exponentially, leading to dramatic changes in the way people interact and conduct business. The Internet is connecting us more every day and enabling us to access more information than ever before. And y......
continuous extrusion
Compression ulcers, also known as pressure ulcers, decubitus ulcers or bedsores, are an injury to the skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure over a bony area. Pressure sores occur when the soft tissues between the bony prominences and the support surface are compressed for pro......
Oxide and hydroxide medicinal minerals
The Oxides and Hydroxides of Minerals The oxides and hydroxides of minerals have been used as therapeutic agents for thousands of years. In ancient Egypt and Greece, physicians used oxides and hydroxides of various minerals to treat various ailments. As knowledge and technology has advanced, resea......
tags: minerals oxides used oxides hydroxides such
Main uses of zinc
Zinc is a transition metal and a chemical element with the symbol Zn. It has an atomic number of 30 and a atomic weight of 65.38. It is present in many foods and typically found as zinc oxide, zinc sulfate, and zinc chloride. Zinc is an essential element for human health and is used to treat zinc ......
tags: zinc can also zinc used also
Pyrite, also known as iron sulfide, is a common mineral found in many types of ore deposits around the world. It is one of the most abundant and important sources of iron, as well as being a major source of sulfur. Pyrite also has a variety of industrial uses, ranging from its use in sulfuric acid......
tags: pyrite used also pyrite can used
Bismuth concentrate
Bismuth is a metallic chemical element with the symbol Bi and atomic number 83. It is used primarily in alloys and as a component in some pharmaceuticals. It is a silvery-white, brittle metal with a slight pink tinge. It has one of the lowest melting points of any metal, just above 250 degrees Cel......
tags: bismuth used alloys bismuth its has
Antimony regeneration
Introduction Antimony is an element found in the earths crust and many of its compounds have been used from ancient times for its healing and medicinal properties. It is an element of the periodic table with a symbol Sb and atomic number 51. It is a brittle, crystalline, metallic element with a s......
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