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Search results for keyword: trademarks
Sales of Goods Contract (Chinese and English)
,字数至少在2500以上 Sales agreement This Sales Agreement (this Agreement) is made and entered on [Agreement.CreatedDate] (the Agreement Date), BETWEEN: [Seller.Name], a company duly organized and validly existing in accordance with the laws of the [Seller.State], with its head office located at: [S......
tags: agreement existing duly seller goods buyer
Technology transfer and co-production contracts
TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND COOPERATIVE PRODUCTION AGREEMENT This Technology Transfer and Cooperative Production Agreement is made and entered into on [DATE], by and between [PARTY A], a [STATE] corporation, with its principal offices located at [ADDRESS], and [PARTY B], a [STATE] corporation, with i......
tags: party b products party technology production
International Trademark Licensing Contract
International Trademark Licensing Agreement This International Trademark Licensing Agreement (the Agreement) is entered into this XX day of XX,XXX (the “Effective Date”) by and between [Licensor], with its principal place of business located at [Location] (the “Licensor”) and [Licensee], with......
"Trademark Registration Treaty"
Trademark Registration Treaty Article 1 - Nature of the Agreement The present Trademark Registration Treaty (hereinafter the “Treaty”) shall be an international instrument in respect of the mutual recognition of trademark registrations among signatory countries. The Treaty shall apply to trade......
tags: signatory shall treaty trademark treaty mark
Benelux Uniform Trademark Law
BENELUX ECONOMIC UNION UNIFORM TRADE MARKS LAW The Benelux Economic Union (“Benelux”) consists of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg and was originally established in 1944 as a customs union. Today, all three states are full members of the European Union and share common economic, social......
tags: benelux law mark law trademark countries
"Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Rights"
Customs Protection of the Intellectual Property of the Peoples Republic of China Intellectual property has become a crucial element in our economic system since the world has become more connected and more globalized. In the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), the Custums Protection of Intellectual......
tags: customs ipr goods regulation ipr china
Brand buyout
Brand Buyout A brand buyout occurs when one company purchases the rights to another company’s brand name, logo, and/or product lines. It is often a complex process that can be expensive and time-consuming to execute. While it may be costly, the benefits of a brand buyout can be immense, providing......
tags: brand can its can brand name
Equity ratio
Introduction Intellectual property is an increasingly important aspect of today’s business and global economy. This is due in part to advances in technology and changing consumer preferences, as well as increasing competition among businesses around the world. As a result, intellectual property ......
common trademark
A trademark is a phrase, slogan, logo, or other symbol that tells consumers that a product or service is provided by a particular company or individual. A trademark provides protection for the owner of the mark against competitors who try to use it and allows the owner to invest in their brand a......
empowerment management
Rights Management Rights management is the management of an organizations various intellectual property rights, as well as the legal obligations imposed by those rights. Rights management is a critical part of any organizations compliance program, and is essential to protecting the organizations ......
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