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Search results for keyword: tariff
thermal cutting
International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. It is an important part of the global economy, fueling growth and creating jobs. In addition, international trade has become easier over the years, thanks to advances in communication and technology. International trade ......
Steel Price Index
Steel Price Index There is no better way to assess the economic and market trend of a certain commodity than by looking at its price index. The steel price index is one such tool that provides an excellent insight into the global steel market. This index tracks the prices of several types of stee......
tags: steel index price steel index market
C30E use
Globalization and Trade Agreements Introduction Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of different cultures, commodities, ideas and other aspects of society. It is a process driven by international trade and investment, as well as by cultural, int......
tags: has globalization trade m30e also its
Chinese-English Comparison Table of Commonly Used Economic Terms
Money Matters: Common Economic Terms and Their Meanings The world of economics is complex and filled with terminology that can be difficult to understand. To make things easier, here is a helpful guide that defines some of the most common economic terms and their meanings. Gross Domestic Product......
tags: economic term money chinese money economic
English-Chinese comparison of terminology in international trade documents
,回答不了你的问题,但是给你提供如下国际贸易单证术语英汉对照: Acceptance: 签受 Account Payable : 应付帐款 Account Purchasing : 买方帐款 Agency:代理 Anticipated Disbursement Outlay:预期支出 Appendix:附录 Appreciation:升值 back-to-back L/C: 回单信用证 Bank Guarantee: 银行担保 Bill of Ex......
tags: export bill booking goods document insurance
Common English Terms for Energy Power System (Part 1)
Renewable Energy & Electric Power System Terms 1. Grid – An interconnected system of power transmission lines and generators used to transport electrical energy over a large area. 2. Microgrid – A localized group of electricity sources and loads that normally operates connected to and synchronou......
Commonly used English vocabulary for customs declaration
Customs in the Eyes of a Travelling Commercial Manager As the travelling commercial manager for a large corporate organisation, I have seen a great deal of the world. Through various business trips to markets all over the globe, I have spent a fair amount of time in airports and customs’ halls. ......
tags: i customs had customs goods authority
A complete list of commonly used terms for foreign trade in factories
International Trade Business Terms Incoterms: Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) is a set of three-letter trade terms developed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and published in the Incoterms 2020 rules. The Incoterms rules are accepted by governments, legal authorities, and......
Uncertainty Analysis of Metallurgical Projects
Introduction Metallurgical projects involve the transformation of raw materials into products of value. When sources of materials, costs and product requirements are uncertain, the process of metallurgical project planning becomes even more complex. This paper sets out to analyze the uncertainty ......
Gas drainage
Limiting emissions from existing coal-fired power plants Coal -fired power plants are a major contributor to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Coal-burning power plants are responsible for producing a large share of global energy and using it to meet a huge fraction of the worlds power need......
tags: plants power emissions gas extraction system
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