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Chinese-English Contrast Table of Metallurgical Vocabulary
Metallurgy, the art of working metals, has existed for many centuries, and is an important field of science and industry. The metals used include iron, aluminum, copper, tin, nickel, lead and zinc. Steel, an alloy of iron and carbon, is one of the most important products of metallurgy, and is used......
tags: metals metallurgy used process material metal
English-Chinese comparison of advertising terms
Advertising: Advertising: n.广告; v.广告 Ad Copy: n. 广告文案 Creative: adj. 构思新颖的 CPA: 英文 Cost Per Action的简写, 意为“每行动成本” Click-Through Rate(CTR): 点击率; 点击比率; 点击到转化的比例 Conversion Rate: 转化率,指的是从点击一个广告引发的某种行为(注册、购买等)的百分比 Cost Pe......
tags: advertising per ads advertising ad cost
Car Vocabulary in Chinese and English (1)
Vehicle vocabulary is an incredibly important thing to know. As car technology continues to progress, the terms and definitions used to describe them remain essential knowledge for anyone involved in buying, selling, leasing, and maintaining vehicles. Knowing these words can help keep you informed......
tags: car cars vehicle automotive car vehicle
Non-destructive testing terms in Chinese and English
Non-destructive Testing Non-destructive testing (NDT) refers to any testing technique used to evaluate a materials physical and mechanical properties without hurting or damaging it in any way. In other words, it involves testing a material in such a way that it can still be used after the testing......
tags: testing method used audio signal lossless
Commonly used German for machinery: electromechanical
Mechanical Engineering in Germany Germany is very well known for its advances in mechanical engineering, particularly in the automotive and aerospace industries. Companies such as Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes are among the biggest car companies in the world and employ some of the world’s best me......
Common car dictionary D
The automobile is one of the great inventions of the twentieth century. It has changed the way we get around and has had an immense impact on our culture and lifestyle. The automobile has made life easier and faster by allowing people to travel vast distances quickly and conveniently. Automobile......
Printed Circuit Glossary
? Printed Circuit Vocabulary The development and production of printed circuits has become an increasingly important part of modern electronics. While the fundamentals of the technology remain relatively simple, the terminology used to describe it has become increasingly complex as new components......
tags: printed circuit board board components used
Common car dictionary B
Common Automobile Dictionary The automobile industry is one of the most varied and expansive industries in terms of the parts and services it offers. As such, it also has a large lexicon of words, terms, and acronyms. These are the words and terms you’re likely to hear when you’re around car de......
tags: engine vehicle system car brakes system
Non-destructive testing noun (QS)
The great invention of the 20th century, non destructive testing (NDT), is an invaluable tool for the prevention and detection of materials damage or failure. Non destructive testing (NDT) is a subset of Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE), where the material is not altered by the testing process and......
tags: ndt used testing testing materials defects
Power Supply Technical Support Glossary (Part 1)
Power Supply Technology Glossary AC Input: Alternating Current (AC) input is the typical wall power that is regulated by a transformer and rectified. Active Clamp: An active clamp is an electronic circuit that uses transistors to “clamp” the output voltage of a power supply. It is designed to ......
tags: power supply current power used consumer
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