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English-Chinese comparison of advertising terms
Advertising: Advertising: n.广告; v.广告 Ad Copy: n. 广告文案 Creative: adj. 构思新颖的 CPA: 英文 Cost Per Action的简写, 意为“每行动成本” Click-Through Rate(CTR): 点击率; 点击比率; 点击到转化的比例 Conversion Rate: 转化率,指的是从点击一个广告引发的某种行为(注册、购买等)的百分比 Cost Pe......
tags: advertising per ads advertising ad cost
Mechanical English English-Chinese Contrast Table
(1) automation attachment 自动装置 (2) breach of specification 违背规格 (3) clearance 凸距 (4) connected load 接线负荷检查 (5) counterweight 配重 (6) current control 电流控制 (7) unit of productivity 生产力 (8) cutting tool 加工刀具 (9) decrease time 减少时间 (10) die-casting mould 铸模 (11) drive......
tags: drive dynamic tool mechanical english use
Mechanical design terminology in Chinese and English (5)
Design is the backbone of any engineering discipline; mechanical engineering is no different. From the earliest creation of the wheel to the most sophisticated machine, mechanical engineers have been innovating and problem-solving. As technology advances, new terms and jargon arise to explain mech......
Commonly used Japanese for machinery: Forming sprue terms
Machinery in Japan is used as a tool in many industries, and its usage is in high demand. Machinery is also used in everyday life, such as home appliances and tools used in construction, transportation and engineering. As a result, knowledge of maintenance, repair and operation of machinery is ess......
Mechanical English common words
买一篇2500字的英文文章,可以去网上买,比如它的官网:www.lwsd.net。在网站上,你可以找到很多专业的英文文章供你参考,或者你可以咨询网站的工作人员,他们会根据你的要求订制一篇文章给你,价格也很实惠,你可以咨询他们的客服确定价格。 Mechanical English is an essential language for people working in the mac......
tags: used machine part used mechanical process
Garment machinery commonly used English
Clothing Machinery Clothing Machinery is any kind of machinery that is used to manufacture clothing. There are many different types of machines used in the clothing industry and they range from sewing machines to cutting machines. The sewing machine is the most common type of clothing machinery ......
Mechanical professional English vocabulary (very complete)
Machanical Technology Machanical technology is the application of physical principles and the use of tools, elements and machines to accomplish tasks and produce useful products. The field of machanical technology spans a wide range of specialties, including product design and engineering, aero......
Common Vocabulary for Transportation Machinery
Transportation and Transportation Machinery Glossary The transportation and transportation machinery glossary contains a wide range of key terms, words, and phrases related to transportation and the operation of transports. This glossary provides brief descriptions of the meanings of each term, i......
Mechanical English Vocabulary
Mechanical Engineering Vocabulary Mechanical engineering is a discipline that covers the design and development of machines and other tools that can be used in a number of industrial and commercial applications and projects. This type of engineering requires a particular knowledge of a wide vari......
Brief Explanation of Chinese and English Common Words in Foundry
The world we live in today is full of diversity and complexity, and in order to be successful in this world, it is important to be familiar with some of the most frequently used terms. Common words and phrases used in everyday conversations can help to create a more efficient and effective means o......
tags: being ability common mold casting product
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