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Search results for keyword: maslow
The "self-actualizing person" hypothesis
The concepts of self-realization and self-actualization are among the most important topics to explore when it comes to understanding human development and fulfillment. It is a term that is used to describe a persons development towards attaining their fullest potential, and is traditionally seen ......
,要求涵盖以下内容 Introduction Theory of Mind (ToM), sometimes referred to as mentalizing, is a psychological theory that was developed in the late 20th century, mainly from the work of developmental psychologist and cognitive scientist Alan Leslie. It is an area of cognitive psychology which has......
tags: tom theory beliefs needs pyramid layer
Greenleaf's servant leadership theory
Douglas McGregor’s theory of X and Y established the early foundation for the servant leadership approach. The idea of X and Y leadership styles actually originates from the work of Abraham maslow and Frederick Herzberg, who developed the classic motivation-hygiene theory. In their work, they pro......
management scientist
Management Theory Management theory is a long-established branch of business and management studies. Although management theory has its roots in ancient practices, it has experienced a significant amount of development since its modern emergence in the late 19th century. Initially managerial prac......
Cattell's theory of personality traits
Abraham maslow and Carl Rogers are two theorists who have contributed a great deal to the understanding of the human personality. They both focus on the individual’s development and attempt to explain why some people can reach their full potential while others cannot. The work of maslow and Roger......
tags: maslow rogers growth rogers his he
incentive theory
Motivational Theory Motivational theory is an important concept in all areas of psychology, including organizational and educational psychology. Motivation theories attempt to explain and understand why human behaviour is directed towards certain goals. They provide insight into the reasons behin......
planning school
Nationalism: Does it Help or Hinder Our Communication? In our globalized world, it is essential for people to be able to communicate efficiently and effectively with one another from different backgrounds and cultures. Inherent within this idea, however, is the problem nationalism can pose to thi......
Shien's career development theory
Industrial and Organizational Psychologist, Elwood Chapmans career theory Elwood Chapmans career development theory is based on the notion that individual career choices are based on a combination of acquired abilities and personal interests. For too long, the conventional wisdom of industrial an......
Keynesian long-term friend theory
Introduction Douglas McGregor, an American social psychologist, developed the Theory X and Theory Y models in his 1960 book, The Human Side of Enterprise. This theory broadened the way in which employers studied their workers, revolutionizing the way that managers dealt with their employees. It w......
tags: theory employees their friendships experiences shared
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