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Search results for keyword: leaflets
artificial carbon heart valve
Carbon-based heart leaflets Over the past 50 years, the field of heart valve replacement has grown rapidly. Although tremendous strides have been made in terms of reducing the recurrence of valve stenosis, valve replacement still has a high risk of failure. One of the most promising developments ......
Clover Organization
Four Leaf Clover Organization Four Leaf Clover Organization is a non-profit organization that is committed to giving people the best chances at success. Our ultimate goal is to assist in the growth and development of individuals and communities through resources, education, mentorship and advocac......
China Printing Group Corporation
China Printing Group Co. China Printing Group Co., Ltd. (CPG) is a leading company in the printing and publishing industry in China. Founded in 1951, CPG provides a wide range of printing services and products to its partners and customers, ranging from commercial printing to specialized products......
tags: printing cpg china printing cpg electronic
Ad attention rate
Online Advertising in the 21st Century Advertising has been around since the 17th century, and over the course of centuries, it has evolved from leaflets and newspaper ads to digital billboards on the street and targeted advertisements popping up on people’s social media accounts. Today, digital......
tags: advertising online digital attention rate advertising
public relations survey
Influence of Media on Public Relations Abstract This paper seeks to examine the influence media has on public relations. Public relations is a very important component of any business organization, as it has the potential of improving the image of a company, increasing its popularity and benefitti......
tags: media public relations their public research
channel fatigue
Channel Fatigue Channel fatigue is an affliction of current business processes that is primarily brought on by continuously saturated marketing mediums and the immense pressure to out-perform those channels. The wear and tear caused by marketing strategies that place too heavy of an emphasis on t......
tags: messaging messages message team can sales
ideological advertising
Ideology Driven Advertising In modern-day society, the way that we advertise is remarkably different from the traditional ways of marketing we have seen in the past. With the prevalence of technology and the internet, ads have become more complex, exploiting both logic and emotion. To gain an eff......
tags: we can use their print powerful
Tear Page Ads
Humanization – The Power of Making Simple Technology The development of technology has revolutionized many aspects of modern life. Indeed, we often take for granted the convenience and ease of many everyday technologies which, while simple in and of themselves, have given us immense power over t......
tags: our we technology peeloff their advertisement
print media
At the beginning of the 21st century, media have become an integral part of everyday life. With the advance of technology and development of media, print media, television, internet and mobile technologies have made a huge impact on people’s lives. Print media remains one of the most popular fo......
tags: media print can media print message
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