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Search results for keyword: insolvency
false usance letter of credit
Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) A standby letter of credit (SBLC) is a financial agreement that serves as a guarantee for future payments or loan commitments. Standing as a substitute for cash, an SBLC is typically used as a way for businesses to provide protection for both parties in a contract ......
tags: sblcs sblc bank credit letter seller
taxpayer litigation
Taxpayers Litigation Taxpayers have various rights and protections at their disposal when it comes to disputes with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Taxpayers have the right to sue the IRS in order to challenge agency actions they believe are unfair or unjust. This article will provide an over......
tags: taxpayers litigation court tax taxpayers litigation
bankruptcy protection
Introduction The occurrence of bankruptcy reflects the relatively low performance of enterprises and is a crisis of great concern, both to government and businesses. Bankruptcy Protection (BP), by offering financial and legal protection, is designed to rescue viable businesses in crisis, protect ......
tags: bp bankruptcy company bankruptcy debt creditors
Bankruptcy costs
Introduction Bankruptcy is a formally declared process of insolvency or financial inability to pay debts owed to creditors by an individual or organization. When an organization or an individual declare bankruptcy, costs are always involved. These costs consist of any legal fees, taxes, and othe......
tags: costs bankruptcy filing bankruptcy fees debts
Receivables and prepayments
内容 Receivables and advance payments are two crucial forms of trade credit extended to customers which are critical components of the successful financial management of an organisation. This article will provide an overview of receivables and advance payments and discuss their importance in the fi......
tags: customers payments advance their accounts prepaid
Asset surplus
Asset Surplus Asset surplus is an accounting concept which refers to the amount by which the estimated value of a companys assets exceed its liabilities. This surplus may also be referred to as the companys net worth or equity. It is important to understand the concept of asset surplus as it can......
tags: surplus asset companys inventory count physical
Asset Backed Securitization
Securitization of Asset-Backed Securities Asset-backed securities (ABS) are debt securities backed by a variety of assets, including loans, bonds, receivables and other investments. These securities are created when an issuer pools together various assets and sells them to investors in the form o......
tags: securities assetbacked investors risk financial assetbacked
Credit Insurance
Creditinsurance Credit insurance covers the insured from financial losses that arise from a customer’s failure to pay for goods or services on time. Such insurance is often called credit risk insurance, debt insurance or trade credit insurance. Credit insurance can be divided into three broad c......
tags: credit insurance customers credit insurance risk
economic leverage
Economic leverage refers to the ability of a company to achieve a relatively greater gain or return on its resources or investments compared to that of its competitors or other organizations. Through the use of economic leverage, companies can use their resources or investments to obtain higher fi......
tags: leverage can use can leverage businesses
international lending agreement
范文 Loan Agreement This Loan Agreement is entered into this __ day of ____, 20__, BY AND BETWEEN [Lender], a company incorporated and validly existing in [Country], hereinafter referred to as “Lender”, represented by [Name], title [Position], of legal age and with legal capacity to enter into......
tags: agreement borrower any loan agreement borrower
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