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Search results for keyword: economists
averaging effect
Average treatment effect (ATE) is a measure of the impact of some intervention or policy on a given population or sample. It is defined as the difference between the average or expected outcome for a given group with the intervention and the average or expected outcome for a given group without th......
universal predictability
General Predictability Thesis In the face of great economic, societal, and technological changes, the idea that the future is predictable has been gaining increasing traction in the modern world. At its base, the belief insists that with enough knowledge, big data, and prescience, it is possible ......
agency theory
Introduction The theory of agency is a fundamental part of economics, business, and sociology. It is the study of the relationship between principals and agents and how incentives are created, nurtured, and maintained for both. Principals are those who set goals for the agent, and agents are thos......
multiplier effect
Synergies in business refer to the phenomenon where two or more interdependent entities when working together to produce a desirable result have a greater total impact than the sum of the impacts of each entity when discretely considered. Quite simply, two individual businesses working together ad......
tags: can two companies can economic multiplier
non-cooperative game
Non-Cooperative Game Non-cooperative game theory studies strategies employed by independent and rational decision-makers in conflict situations. As opposed to cooperative game theory, non-cooperative game theory suggests that combatants cannot trust one another and must make decisions without co......
Greenspan effect
The Grinstead Effect is the effect of positive psychological growth that occurs when individuals re-engage in their lives after taking a break to focus on their inner needs and consider what they want to do. The concept of the Grinstead Effect was originated by Dr. Lorne Grinstead, who studied the......
tags: their grinstead effect wages effect labor
reward-inhibition effect
Introduction The prize system, a way of rewarding achievements, has been in existence for centuries. Whether it is awarding medals to soldiers or students for outstanding performances, issuing rewards and prizes is a common method of recognizing achievements. However, the effects of prizes can be ......
transaction cost theory
Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) Transaction cost economics (TCE) is a branch of economics that studies the costs associated with economic exchange. The field looks at the ways in which costs are incurred in the process of making, receiving and delivering goods and services, and how those costs c......
additional rate method
Attached Rate Method The attached rate method is a business valuation method that provides investors with an estimate of the value of a business by taking the projected future cash flows of the company and discounting them back to the present. It is a tool for investors to evaluate a business bef......
profit maximization principle
In the business world, the maximization of profit is a fundamental goal for most organizations. Although the methodologies employed to achieve this goal vary considerably, a common principle universally accepted by businesses is to maximize their profits by minimizing the costs of production and d......
tags: their companies create business costs profits
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