reward-inhibition effect

Introduction The prize system, a way of rewarding achievements, has been in existence for centuries. Whether it is awarding medals to soldiers or students for outstanding performances, issuing rewards and prizes is a common method of recognizing achievements. However, the effects of prizes can be ......


The prize system, a way of rewarding achievements, has been in existence for centuries. Whether it is awarding medals to soldiers or students for outstanding performances, issuing rewards and prizes is a common method of recognizing achievements. However, the effects of prizes can be a mixed one. On one hand, awards can be a great motivator and encourage creativity and hard work. On the other hand, prizes may also bring about the “Prize-Losing Effect.” The Prize-Losing Effect is a phenomenon in which a person becomes less likely to pursue a task once they have become discouraged by their failures, despite the possibility of obtaining a financial reward or prize.

What is the prize-losing effect?

The Prize-Losing Effect (PLE) is an effect in which a person becomes less likely to pursue a task that involves some kind of reward, prize, or financial gain once they have become discouraged by their failures or past experiences. PLE is most commonly observed when people fail to reach a difficult goal or feel overwhelmed because of a lack of resources or support. In this situation, the individual may become less motivated to persist in their efforts and may thus lose any chances at the prize, even if it were achievable.

What are some of the possible causes of the prize-losing effect?

There are a number of possible causes for the Prize-Losing Effect. One explanation is that rewards are often used to motivate people but, if goals become too difficult or overwhelming, the reward seems less appealing and the individual becomes less motivated. Another potential cause of PLE is the comparison of oneself to others. If people compare their own achievements to those of successful peers, they may become discouraged and may perceive their own efforts as insufficient or inadequate, thus giving rise to a feeling of hopelessness or fear of failure. Finally, the perception of a goal or task as too difficult or impossible can also result in the prize-losing effect. This is likely to occur when a person perceives their skills as inadequate or insufficient, or when they face too many obstacles in trying to reach their goal.

The impacts of the prize-losing effect

The Prize-Losing Effect can have far-reaching impacts on individuals, organizations and society as a whole. On an individual level, PLE can make it more difficult for people to pursue their ambitions, even when financial rewards are available. This can lead to disincentives in trying to reach goals, reducing people’s motivation and leading to a further sense of failure. On an organizational level, the effects of PLE can ultimately lead to a decrease in productivity and a decrease in creativity, ultimately having a negative impact on the organization’s bottom line. Finally, the Prize-Losing Effect can limit the advancement of innovation and improvement within society as a whole, as individuals may become discouraged from pursuing ambitious goals if they are not adequately rewarded or supported.


The prize-losing effect is a phenomenon in which individuals become less motivated to pursue a task when they perceive it as difficult or impossible, regardless of the possibility of a reward or financial gain. This can have far-reaching impacts on individuals, organizations and society as a whole. While there are a number of possible causes for the prize-losing effect, the best way to combat this effect is to ensure that individuals have appropriate resources and adequate support in order to reach their goals. Through doing this, individuals can be better motivated to pursue goals, regardless of the possibility of a reward or financial gain.

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