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Search results for keyword: deflation
rediscount rate
Discount Rate The discount rate is the rate of interest used by banks and other you when they are lending out money. The goal of the rate is to ensure that banks and other you have an adequate return on their investments. The discount rate also affects consumer lending and it is used to gauge how......
tags: rate discount economy rate money central
Modern Quantity Theory of Money
Modern Money Theory Modern Money Theory, also referred as ‘MMT’, is a school of economic thought that focuses on understanding the ways money is created and used in the modern macroeconomy. The theory explains the relationship between government, central banks, commercial banks, and people with......
tags: government economic money money theory supply
New Keynesianism
Developments in Keynesian Economics Keynesian economics is an economic theory based upon the analysis of macroeconomic aggregates with the use of Keynes’s General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Developed by British economist John Maynard Keynes during the 1930s, Keynesian economics fo......
tags: economic keynesian economics economic can policy
long term bond
Longer-term bonds are an attractive investment vehicle for many investors, due to their relative safety and steady returns. While there are many types of bonds with varying terms and risks, longer-term bonds can offer investors a number of advantages over other types of investments. First and for......
tags: bonds longterm investors bonds long term
money demand theory
The Quantity Theory of Money (QTM) is an economical model used to explain changes in the general level of prices in the economy. It states that the amount of money circulating in the economy has a direct and proportional correlation with the level of prices. The underlying concept of the QTM is th......
tags: money prices qtm money supply economic
bimetallic system
The Real Meaning of Standardization Standardization has become a common term we’re hearing in business today. But what does it really mean? Standardization is a process of making products, services, processes, and systems work together in a uniform manner. Essentially, it is the process of creat......
tags: processes can services gold standard adopted
Great Depression
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries, it started in the late 1920s and lasted until the late 1930s. It was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depr......
tags: depression great economic depression great economic
Macroeconomic Regulation Macroeconomic regulation is a form of public policy implemented by a nations central bank and regulatory authorities that aims to influence a nations overall financial and economic performance. Macroeconomic regulations are designed to improve the current state of the eco......
tags: economic policy macroeconomic macroeconomic policy economic
GDP deflator
GDP Deflator Index In economics, the GDP deflator index (GDP deflator) is a measure of the level of prices of all the newly-produced domestic goods and services in an economy. It is also a measure of inflation and/or appreciation in prices in a wide variety of parts of the economy. As inflation i......
tags: gdp deflator index gdp deflator price
extra economic coercion
The Global Economy and the Impact of Forced Economies The global economy is a complex system of interdependent trade, investment, and transactions that affect the lives of people around the world. This system is constantly changing and evolving in response to the ups and downs of the internationa......
tags: economy forced can economic globalization risks
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