Physical Constants of Cr-Ni-Mn-N Austenitic Stainless Steel 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N

Stainless steel 1202 29/06/2023 1056 Sophie

Physical constants for austenitic stainless steel 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N Austenitic stainless steel 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N is a material used in a wide range of industrial applications due to its excellent corrosion resistance and strength. Its chemical composition includes 0% chromium, 18% nickel, 2% manganese an......

Physical constants for austenitic stainless steel 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N

Austenitic stainless steel 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N is a material used in a wide range of industrial applications due to its excellent corrosion resistance and strength. Its chemical composition includes 0% chromium, 18% nickel, 2% manganese and 12% nitrogen. This composition gives it unique physical characteristics that are invaluable for certain uses. In this article, we will explore the physical constants of 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N.

The density of 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N is 8.0 g/cm3, which is slightly higher than that of pure iron. This makes it an ideal material for many applications such as making tools and components that will bear large loads. It is also less dense than some of its stainless steel counterparts, which is useful in some manufacturing processes.

The modulus of elasticity of 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N is 206 GPa, which makes it a good option for applications that require extreme strength and resilience. Its yield strength is 370 MPa and its ultimate tensile strength is 510 MPa. This makes it one of the strongest stainless steels and it has a wide range of uses that require high strength, such as components for industrial machinery and structures for transportation infrastructure.

The thermal conductivity of 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N is 15.4 W/m.K, which is slightly higher than those of most other stainless steels. This makes it an ideal material for applications such as heat exchangers and components for process control systems, as it does not require as much energy to reach the desired temperature.

The coefficient of thermal expansion of 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N is 15.0 m/m.K, which is a relatively high value for a stainless steel. The value is slightly higher than that of pure iron, and while it may cause some problems in certain applications, it can also be beneficial in others where the need for a slightly higher amount of thermal expansion is needed.

The electrical resistivity of 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N is 0.78 μΩ.m, which is an extremely low value for any metal. This makes it suitable for use in electrical applications, as it will not suffer from as much resistance as other materials.

Finally, the maximum operating temperature of 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N is 870°C, which is higher than that of other stainless steels. This makes it an excellent choice for applications that require the material to withstand extreme temperatures, such as parts for automotive engines.

In conclusion, austenitic stainless steel 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N has some unique physical properties that make it an excellent material for a wide range of applications. Its density, modulus of elasticity, thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal expansion and electrical resistivity are all higher than those of pure iron, while its ultimate tensile strength and maximum operating temperature are both higher than those of other stainless steels. This combination of physical characteristics makes it an outstanding material for many industries, and should be considered when choosing materials for industrial projects.

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Stainless steel 1202 2023-06-29 1056 Luminesque

0Cr18Ni2Mn12N steel is a stainless steel which’s main elements are chromium, nickel, manganese, and nitrogen in an austenitic structure. Its distinguished physical constants are suitable for many of the industrial applications where oxidation and corrosion resistance is required. Physical Chara......

0Cr18Ni2Mn12N steel is a stainless steel which’s main elements are chromium, nickel, manganese, and nitrogen in an austenitic structure. Its distinguished physical constants are suitable for many of the industrial applications where oxidation and corrosion resistance is required.

Physical Characteristics

The density of this steel is 7.8 g/cm³, its electrical resistivity is 0.501 Microhm•m at 25 deg C, melting point is 1398 – 142 deg C, and specific heat capacity is 0.527 J/ g• K. At a temperature of 15 deg C, the thermal conductivity of this steel is 18.3 W/ m•K. The modulus of elasticity (MOE) remains stable up to temperatures of 400 deg C and is 200 GPa, with a yield strength at temperatures of 121 deg C which is 455 MPa.

Chemical Composition

0Cr18Ni2Mn12N steel has an elemental composition of 18 % chromium, 2 % nickel, 12 % manganese and 0.4 % nitrogen, along with other trace elements such as phosphorus, sulfur, copper, silicon, aluminum and nitrogen.

Mechanical Properties

This steel has excellent mechanical properties and is suitable for applications requiring good mechanical strength and resistance to stress corrosion cracking and high-temperature oxidation. This steel exhibits a good combination of strength, ductility and formability. The tensile strength of 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N steel is 678 MPa, with a yield strength of 456 MPa, and 36 per cent elongation at break. It also has excellent impact toughness and fatigue strength.

Corrosion Resistance

The corrosion resistance of 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N steel is outstanding, it has an excellent resistance to chloride pitting and stress corrosion cracking, making it an ideal material for environments that are exposed to harsh chemical substances. The alloy also has an excellent resistance to flaking, making it ideal for parts that require consistent surface finish, such as optical components and medical instruments.


This steel is easy to fabricate, it can be welded using standard arc and gas welding technique, and can also be machined using standard machining processes.


0Cr18Ni2Mn12N austenitic steel is the ideal material for applications that require excellent physical properties, such as chemical resistance, strength, and ductility, along with good fabricability and easy machinability. It is a versatile alloy, suitable for use in many applications that require exceptional corrosion resistance and strength.

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