Improve the life of AOD furnace lining

Stainless steel 1202 30/06/2023 1084 Stephanie

Introduction Advanced oxidation desulfurization (AOD) is a type of desulfurization process used primarily in the metal casting industry. AOD utilizes an oxygen-rich atmosphere to oxidize sulfur compounds, reducing sulfur content and improving the quality of the melt. The process is used to reduce......


Advanced oxidation desulfurization (AOD) is a type of desulfurization process used primarily in the metal casting industry. AOD utilizes an oxygen-rich atmosphere to oxidize sulfur compounds, reducing sulfur content and improving the quality of the melt. The process is used to reduce levels of sulfur compounds in the aluminum melts, reducing fumes from the furnace and improving specific properties of the alloy. However, when using an AOD process, the refractory lining of the furnace can be quickly damaged by the high temperatures and presence of gasses. As such, increasing the lifespan of the refractory liners is an important part of reducing the cost of implementing an AOD process.

Methods of Improving Refractory Lining Longevity

1. Use of Precast Refractory Liners: Precast refractory liners can be used to reduce direct contact with metal and metal alloys formed during the AOD process, helping to reduce the rate of refractory corrosion and wear.

2. Use of Refractory Lining with Artificial Aging: Artificial aging of the refractory liners is thought to improve their resistance to thermal shock and high temperature corrosion, which can prevent cracks and spalling of the refractories.

3. Use of a Protective Lining: Installing a protective layer between the refractory and the crucible wall of the AOD furnace can help to reduce the rate of corrosion and wear of the refractory. This protective layer can be made of insulating material, such as magnesium oxide and mullite, or even a thin steel sheet.

4. Postmelt Drying of the Refractory: Postmelt drying of the refractory can reduce its thermal shock when it is heated up, which can lead to greater lifespan of the lining. Postmelt drying is a process where the lining is heated up to a lower temperature for a longer period of time than would be required for melting, helping to reduce the thermal shock rate of the refractory.

5. Use of Continuous Monitoring Systems: Using continuous monitoring systems can help to detect any problems in the refractory lining before they become serious. These systems are designed to track the temperature, heat flux, and other important data points, alerting operators when there are any abnormalities in the system. In this way, operators can take corrective action before the refractory lining becomes too damaged.


Increasing the lifespan of refractory lining in an AOD furnace is important for reducing costs associated with the process. Taking steps such as using precast refractory liners, artificial aging, protective lining, and postmelt drying can help to extend the lifespan of the refractory liners. Additionally, using continuous monitoring systems can help to detect any problems before they become too serious. By taking these steps, the cost of implementing an AOD process can be significantly decreased.

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Stainless steel 1202 2023-06-30 1084 SapphireSky

In order to increase the lifespan of AOD furnace linings, some following tips can be followed. First, regular inspection should be conducted. AOD furnace linings should be inspected regularly, because cracks, loose linings and oxidation may occur during the operation, which need to be detected an......

In order to increase the lifespan of AOD furnace linings, some following tips can be followed.

First, regular inspection should be conducted. AOD furnace linings should be inspected regularly, because cracks, loose linings and oxidation may occur during the operation, which need to be detected and identified promptly. Therefore, it is very important to check the furnace lining regularly to identify problems early.

Second, preventative maintenance should be applied in order to reduce long-term wear and tear. Proper maintenance includes frequent cleaning of the linings and disposal of slag and other debris from the furnace. In addition, checking the furnace lining for pockets, burring or pulled arches should also be conducted on a regular basis to make sure there are no distortions of the lining.

Third, proper selection of lining materials is also essential. Lining materials should be selected according to the AOD furnace operating conditions, such as temperature and pressure. Inappropriate lining can lead to the premature degradation and reduce the longevity of the lining.

Fourth, proper installation should also be done. When installing the AOD furnace lining, it is important to follow the liner manufacturer’s instructions. Improper installation can easily lead to cracks or leaks and undermine the integrity of the lining.

Finally, proper operation of the furnace should be done. Overheating, sudden temperature fluctuations and extreme conditions can easily lead to damage of the lining material. Therefore, carefulconsideration should be taken during the operational process in order to increase the lifespan of AOD furnace linings.

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