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Search results for keyword: warehouses
GB/T 4171—2000 High Weathering Structural Steel
GB/T 4171-2000 High Corrosion Resistant Structural Steel GB/T 4171-2000 is a high corrosion resistant structural steel made in China. It is specially designed to withstand harsh weather conditions such as rain, wind, snow, and sand storms. It is also resistant to water, salt water, acids and alka......
tags: steel high gbt steel structural high
Russian thick steel plate, steel strip
Russian Steel Plates and Strips Russia is one of the leading global producers and suppliers of steel products. As part of the countrys growing manufacturing sector, the production and distribution of steel plates and strips is an important part of the industry. With access to a variety of steel g......
tags: steel russian plates steel band plate
Steel wire for elevator wire rope (YB/T5198-1993)
Steel wire rope for elevator Steel Wire Rope for Elevator (YB/T5198-1993) is a high performance and safe material for elevators. It is usually used in elevators with higher load capacity, longer spans and heavier loads. This rope is made from steel wires which are interlaced to form strands and t......
tags: elevator rope steel wire steel rope
Bear Stearns
Introduction to Belston Belston is an international business and technology consulting firm that specializes in helping clients develop innovative solutions that help their businesses succeed. Through its global research and development network, Belston has developed a unique approach to understa......
English Encyclopedia of Machinery Commonly Used in Foreign Trade (Chinese)
Centrifugal Fan A centrifugal fan is a mechanical device which is used to dis-place or move air. It works on the principle of centrifugal force, meaning that it uses a spinning wheel in order to propel air in a given direction. The wheel is connected to an electric motor, which is powered by ele......
tags: air centrifugal used machine used packing
"Chinese-English Dictionary" mechanical vocabulary (7)
The Importance of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical engineering is a field that deals with the design of a wide range of products, processes and systems. It combines physics, engineering science and mathematics to analyze, design and manufacture complex mechanical products and systems. It is cons......
tags: mechanical systems design used machine belt
Commonly used Japanese for machinery: forklifts
Forklift Trucks Forklift trucks are a type of industrial equipment mainly used for loading, unloading, stacking or transferring heavy materials or products. They typically consist of a cab, an engine and a platform which is mounted on axle with a pronged attachment in front. This pronged attachme......
tags: trucks forklift used forklift forklifts can
English Encyclopedia of Machinery Commonly Used in Foreign Trade
内容 1. Machinery related to international trade International trade involves the movement of goods and services across national borders. In general, the process of freight transportation and goods and services exchange requires the use of machinery. Machinery plays a very important part in the p......
tags: goods process international etc valve motor
English Vocabulary of China's Industrial Machinery and Equipment Export Commodities
The export of industrial machinery and equipment in China China is a major exporter of industrial machinery and equipment, ranking among the top three in the world for the sector. In recent years, the country has seen substantial growth in the number of foreign buyers of its machinery, as more ......
Common Vocabulary for Transportation Machinery
Transportation and Transportation Machinery Glossary The transportation and transportation machinery glossary contains a wide range of key terms, words, and phrases related to transportation and the operation of transports. This glossary provides brief descriptions of the meanings of each term, i......
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