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Search results for keyword: universe
Gallup Path
Introduction Covering the globe with a vast and intricate transportation network, connecting communities and empowering people through the power of motion, is a well-recognized feat of engineering and an example of the technological progress made over the last century. However, often forgotten i......
Duyn's long wave theory
The Doppler-gust Theory: A Comprehensive Overview The Doppler-gust (or also known as the Doppler-gust-induced wind) Theory is one of the major theories which explains why tropical cyclones (TCs) develop and intensify. The theory, first proposed by former research scientist and meteorologist Walte......
tags: theory dopplergust air doppler effect waves
wheat ear philosophy
Life is like a grain of wheat. It may seem small and insignificant, but when planted in the ground, watered, and tended to, it can grow into something substantial. The same is true in our lives. We may seem small and insignificant, but when we work hard and maintain good relationships, we can grow......
tags: we our us we can life
The Butterfly Effect
THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT The butterfly effect is a concept that describes how small, seemingly inconsequential changes can have large, far-reaching effects in the future. The metaphor was first used in the 1960s by Edward Lorenz, an American mathematician and meteorologist. While giving a talk about ......
tags: can butterfly effect can have butterfly
Huang Zongxi's law
Huangs Law Huangs Law is an ancient Chinese philosophical system from the Han Dynasty, which is based on the concept of yang and yin. This system of thought states that yin and yang are the ultimate driving forces of the universe and are interconnected in a dynamic and natural relationship. The ......
tags: yang balance yin law economic system
Hawthorne effect
John Steinbecks novel The Grapes of Wrath provides vivid illustrations of the Dust Bowl era in the United States history. In particular, the Joad familys journey during the event is filled with scenes of desperate struggle. While the primary focus of Steinbecks novel is on the human element, he do......
tags: great plains dust doppler effect source
School of Naturalism The School of Naturalism was a philosophical movement in the 4th century BC. It is considered one of the most influential philosophical schools of its time. The School of Naturalism was founded by Democritus and is considered to be the first major proponent of atomic theory i......
tags: school naturalism idea schools thought have
Wagner's law
VON WAGNER EQUATION Von Wagner Equation is a mathematical equation developed by Austrian mathematician and physicist Alois von Wagner in 1958. It is used to make predictions about the flow of fluids, at low Reynolds number values, under the Cartesian coordinate system. In particular, it is used i......
original record
The World Is Not Actually Flat Since ancient times, the idea that the world is flat has been predominant in popular culture and conversations. People from around the world have believed this to be true, and even today, many people joke about living in a “flat world.” Though this is an exaggerat......
tags: world flat round can has technology
idea map
The Importance of Maintaining a Positive Mindset Everyone encounters obstacles and setbacks from time to time, but maintaining a positive mindset can help ensure that you stay on track and meet your goals. There is a great deal of research that indicates those with more optimistic attitudes exper......
tags: positive can you our we thoughts
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