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Search results for keyword: nuclei
man-made elements
Man-Made Elements The periodic table of elements contains a total of 118 elements. The majority of these elements occur naturally on planet earth, such as oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon. However, some of the more recently discovered elements are man-made, created in laboratories and partic......
Radioactive Nuclear Elements Radioactive nuclear elements, also termed as radionuclides, are any form of atomic nucleus that loses energy over time due to the emission of high energy radiation. This radiation can be in the form of alpha, beta, gamma and neutron particles that are discharged from......
tags: can elements energy radioactive nuclides can
radioactive metal
Radiation of Metals Radiation is a form of energy released from atoms during nuclear reactions. When a single radioactive atom decays, it releases energy in the form of ionizing radiation. This radiation can be detected and measured with instruments called radiation detectors. Some elements can e......
radioactive decay system
Radiative Decay Radiative decay is a process of decay of a particle into two lower-energy particles, in which energy is released in a form of electromagnetic radiation, or photons. It is one of the primary modes of decay for unstable particles. Radiative decay is often the product of an unstable ......
tags: decay energy radiative decay type can
super plutonium
+ Plutonium was discovered in 1940 by Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg and his researchers at Berkeley, California. Plutonium is a manmade synthetic element, meaning that it does not occur naturally in the environment. While it can be found in uranium deposits, such as those from mines, plutonium is created i......
tags: plutonium nuclear energy element superpu its
natural radioactive elements
Natural Radioactive Elements The natural radioactive elements are a group of elements that are naturally occurring and emit ionizing particles from their atomic nucleus. This type of radiation is known as radiation from natural sources and is usually found in very small amounts. Examples of natur......
fission product
Nuclear Fission Nuclear fission is a process in which a nucleus, such as that of an atom, is split into two or more parts, each of which carries a fraction of the original atomic nucleuss charge and mass. This process is used in many applications — from electricity generation to nuclear weapons ......
manganese compound
Manganese Compounds Manganese is an essential element in the human body, playing a critical role in growth, development and metabolic processes that take place within cells. Manganese compounds have a variety of uses, ranging from industrial and agricultural applications to nutritional supplement......
neutron fluence
Although all atoms contain protons, neutrons, and electrons, some may contain different quantities of these particles. Atoms with an unequal number of protons and neutrons are called isotopes. One particular isotope, known as neutronium, is an atom with no protons or electrons. This means it consi......
Damage of Graphite by Neutron Irradiation
Damage to Graphite under Neutron Irradiation Graphite has long been recognized as one of the most important materials in nuclear technology. It plays a versatile role in the design and operability of many nuclear reactors, including those in the first commercial nuclear reactors, such as those at......
tags: graphite neutron can graphite can cause
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