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Search results for keyword: negotiated
Contract with capital
Resources Procurement and Delivery Contracts Resources procurement and delivery contracts are essential for any businesses operating within the global marketplace. In the global marketplace, resources procurement and delivery contracts must be carefully negotiated and managed in order to ensure ......
single source procurement
,关于单一来源采购的 This essay will explore the concept of sole sourcing and explain how sole-source procurement can provide value and control in a competitive business environment. The term sole-source procurement is commonly used to describe the process in which a company or organisation opts t......
tags: can solesource procurement can single source
company dissolution
Liquidation of a Company The liquidation of a company happens when a company ceases normal business activities and closes all its operations. It is often seen as a last resort for businesses that are unable to continue operating. The process of liquidation involves collecting all of the companys ......
tags: company liquidation all i company my
normalization strategy
Unilateral Nuclear Deterrence Unilateral nuclear deterrence is a national security strategy whereby a lone nation develops, stockpiles and maintains a credible nuclear capability to deter other nations from attacking them. This is an effective form of national defense, in which the power of bein......
shared governance
In these years, people have realized the importance of intergovernmental cooperation, and the long-term defect in cross-regional working mechanisms has become an important problem that has to be solved in international governance. Therefore, intergovernmental cooperation is believed to be the only......
interview method
Negotiation Strategies Negotiation is a fundamental dimensional of all types of decision-making both in professional and personal life. Negotiators negotiate to reach an agreement but to be successful they must have the right strategies. Negotiators use various methods such as persuasion, bargaini......
Competitive contracting
Competitive Tendering Competitive tender processes are designed to ensure that fair and efficient use of public funds is achieved when procuring goods, services and works. Competitive tendering involves an open and public expression of interest and provides potential tenderers with a level playin......
absolute majority clause
Absolute Majority Absolute majority is a term used in democracy when attempting to establish a ruling or legislative body. This form of majority is important for ensuring an effective ruling body, as it helps eliminate the potential for paralysis in decision-making. The term is also commonly util......
revocable contract
The right to rescind, or cancel, a contract is an intrinsic right given to almost all parties when entering a legally binding agreement. This right is designed to protect those signing the contract in the event that the other party does not abide by their commitments, or if the contract needs to b......
liquidation value
Settlement Value The term “settlement value” refers to the estimated worth or amount of money a litigant or legal representative is willing to accept in exchange for ending a dispute or lawsuit. This is usually a negotiated or agreed-upon amount, as opposed to the final judgement or award resul......
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