0Cr25Ni20 (AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20 (310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb process performance

Stainless steel 1202 29/06/2023 1044 Avery

00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb Processing Performance Introduction Cr25Ni20 series stainless steel is a kind of austenitic stainless steel, which has relatively good combination of strength and corrosion resistance properties, good hot and cold processing properties, exc......

00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb Processing Performance


Cr25Ni20 series stainless steel is a kind of austenitic stainless steel, which has relatively good combination of strength and corrosion resistance properties, good hot and cold processing properties, excellent welding performance and environmental performance. It is mainly used in petroleum, chemical, food, medicine, engineering and other industries. 00Cr25Ni20, 00Cr25Ni20L and 00Cr25Ni20Nb are three different types of Cr25Ni20 austenitic stainless steel. This paper mainly discusses the process performance of 00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb.

heat treatment properties

The heat treatment properties of 00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb include solution treatment, aging treatment and stress relief treatment.

Solution treatment mainly refers to the heat treatment process in which the stainless steel is heated above the solution temperature, followed by a slow cooling process. 00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb have good solution treatment properties and can be heat treated at a temperature of 1150-1180℃ for a certain period of time and cooled rapidly without subtracting the hardness of the steel.

Aging treatment keeps the steel in the solution state for more than 10 hours and then cools to room temperature. This process can further refine the microstructure of the steel and improve its hardness and wear resistance.

Stress relief treatment is a process in which steel is heated to a low temperature (450-650℃) for a certain period of time and then cooled slowly. This process can reduce internal stress, improve the plasticity and toughness of the steel, and greatly reduce the possible impact of stress processing on the quality of the product.

Cold processing properties

The cold processing properties of 00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb refer to the ability of the steel to be processed and strengthened in a softened or heat-treated state. The cold processing properties of stainless steel are mainly related to strength, hardness, plastic, toughness and impact strength.

Steel strength: increasing the strength of steel is conducive to improving the performance of the product and prolonging its service life. 00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb have excellent tensile strength and yield strength, which can fully meet the requirements of the product without additional processing.

Steel hardness: the hardness of 00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb can also meet the requirements of normal use after cold processing, and there is no additional heat treatment process.

Steel plasticity: the plasticity of 00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb is poor and the elongation is only 28%. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the product size, shape and partial wall thickness to ensure the required product dimensions.

Impact toughness: the impact toughness of 00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb is relatively good, and the impact energy of test piece is more than five percent.

Hot processing performance

Hot processing performance of 00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb mainly refers to the performance of steel in plastic working, welding and heat treatment.

Steel plastic processing: compared with cold processing, hot processing has a certain advantage in improving the plasticity of steel. After hot processing, the plasticity of 00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb can be increased to 33-42%, which is conducive to the malleability of steel.

Welding performance: 00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb have good intergranular corrosion and welding performance, which can be welded with various welding methods.

Heat treatment performance: in the process of heat treatment, the superheating temperature of 00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb is generally 1100-1200℃, and the coolant is generally air or water.


00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb have good heat treatment and cold working performance. After heat treatment, their strength, hardness and impact toughness can meet the normal requirements, and after cold processing, the plasticity of steel can be improved to a certain extent. Moreover, they have good weldability and intergranular corrosion resistance, so they can be welded with various welding methods. 00Cr25Ni20(AISI310S), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb are widely used in various industries.

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Stainless steel 1202 2023-06-29 1044 EchoesGrace

Abstract: AISI310S (00Cr25Ni20) and 310L (00Cr25Ni20) are mainly used in industrial furnaces, especially heat exchanger and boiler tubing, furnace components, air pollution control equipment and so on. 00Cr25Ni20Nb steel is a modified austenitic stainless steel. It takes the characteristics of sta......

Abstract: AISI310S (00Cr25Ni20) and 310L (00Cr25Ni20) are mainly used in industrial furnaces, especially heat exchanger and boiler tubing, furnace components, air pollution control equipment and so on. 00Cr25Ni20Nb steel is a modified austenitic stainless steel. It takes the characteristics of stable meta-stability and excellent high temperature performance while still maintained machinability and welding and even good cold workability. This paper mainly focuses on their process performance.

AISI310S (00Cr25Ni20) is a typical austenitic stainless steel, and its carbon content is slightly lower than AISI310, which improves its resistance to intergranular corrosion. AISI310S can be used in the same temperature range as AISI310. The thermal expansion coefficient is higher than AISI310, and the rate of elongation is poorer. It has good process performance and satisfactory stamping deformation and can be machined to meet some needs.

According to the experiments, the thermal expansion coefficient of 310L (00Cr25Ni20) steel is similar to that of AISI310S steel. The difference is mainly in the welding property, which is much higher than that of AISI310S steel, making it easier to weld. The corrosion resistance of 310L (00Cr25Ni20) steel is lower than that of AISI310S, while its thermal resistance is better than that of AISI310S steel. 310L steel can also be used in a wide range of temperatures and has good process performance. However, the rate of elongation is slightly lower than that of AISI310S.

00Cr25Ni20Nb steel is a modified austenitic stainless steel, with stable metallurgical stability, excellent high temperature performance, good cold processability and weldability, and good oxidation resistance. The load rupture strength of 00Cr25Ni20Nb steel at 500 °C is 35% higher than that of ordinary steel, and its stress rupture strength at 800 °C is about 48.8% higher than that of ordinary steel. The thermal expansion coefficient is slightly lower than that of ordinary steel, the rate of distortion is low, and the moldability is good.

In conclusion, 00Cr25Ni20(AISI310s), 00Cr25Ni20(310L) and 00Cr25Ni20Nb have their own unique properties, which makes them ideal materials to be used in different industrial furnaces, boilers, heat exchangers and air pollution control devices.

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