The concept of the smile curve originates from the economic theory of comparative advantage. With the development of science and technology, the production process of products is becoming more and more complicated. The production process includes design, R&D, production, marketing and the service process. In this production process, the labor intensive tasks such as design and marketing are on the top end of the curve, with service and R&D forming the middle and production being the most economical or labor efficient task.
Companies must find the balance between lower labor costs, higher productivity and higher quality output in order to optimize their production efficiency. A smile curve reflects this dynamic of producing goods and services. On the left side of the smile curve, design and marketing tasks require a more labor intensive approach but yield a higher value compared to production tasks, which are more of a labor efficient task. On the right side of the curve, service and research tasks provide quality control and feedback.
One of the key principles of the smile curve is that companies should focus on the tasks that can generate higher income and more value for their business. While production tasks are necessary and provide cost savings, companies should also put an emphasis on design and marketing tasks in order to create higher value products.
The concept of the smile curve has been widely used by many companies and large corporations. For example, McDonalds relies heavily on the smile curve in order to create the golden fries that they are known for. McDonalds uses a specialized type of potato, cut them into uniform shapes, and emulates their famous 10 step cooking recipe in order to fry their fries to perfection. This puts emphasis on the top end of the curve (the design and production processes) in order to yield the highest quality fries.
In addition to the well-known fast food example, the smile curve has also been applied to other industries such as home appliances, consumer electronics and apparel. Companies in these industries must create innovative and superior products in order to remain competitive. This involves utilizing the top end of the smile curve to ensure the highest quality products through research and design processes, as well as lower cost production techniques in order to remain profitable.
To conclude, the smile curve is a great concept for businesses to optimize their production efficiency in order to generate more profit and better quality products. Companies should pay close attention to the design and marketing of their products in order to make sure they are up to date with the latest trends and technologies in order to maximize their profits. By utilizing this concept, companies can ensure that their products remain competitive and generate higher profits in the long run.