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We Clean Our Planet The globe is currently facing many environmental ills like global warming caused by human activities, air pollution and other disasters. To save our planet, we must take strong, global action to jointly combat environmental problems and build a green world. As citizens of thi......

We Clean Our Planet

The globe is currently facing many environmental ills like global warming caused by human activities, air pollution and other disasters. To save our planet, we must take strong, global action to jointly combat environmental problems and build a green world.

As citizens of this planet, every one of us should act in a responsible way and do our part to preserve the environment. In fact, a number of global initiatives are currently underway which are highly effective in cleaning up our planet such as the Clean Development Mechanism, the Montréal Protocol and the Kyoto Protocol.

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is an initiative introduced by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that allows developed countries to introduce projects in developing countries which reduce the flow of global greenhouse gas emissions. This scheme has been instrumental in promoting sustainable development and investment in clean energy projects around the world.

The Montréal Protocol is an international agreement that focuses on protecting Earth’s ozone layer by phasing out substances that are responsible for its depletion. The protocol calls for the worldwide reduction of the production and consumption of ozone depleting substances by 2020. It is one of the most successful international environment treaties.

The Kyoto Protocol is the first international treaty that commits industrialised countries to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. The Protocol encourages the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency, as well as the reduction of emissions through carbon trading and carbon offsetting.

We can also participate in individual initiatives that help protect the environment. We can reduce the use of non-biodegradable materials like plastics, use public transport as much as possible and separate our waste items for better management and disposal. We can also minimize the risk of environmental pollution by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases via our cars and other sources.

By making these small changes in our everyday lives, we can make a real difference in ensuring that our planet remains healthy and our future is secured. At the end of the day, it all comes down to making the right choices and taking small steps for the benefit of all of us and our planet. We must always keep in mind that only together can we save our planet and build a green future for all.

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