rare metal
Tantalum rutile
Tantalum and Red Jasper Tantalum and Red Jasper are two metals that have been sought after since ancient times. These two minerals have a wide range of uses and can be found in a variety of forms. Tantalum has a unique color and luster. It is grayish-white in color, lustrous, and is relatively s......
tags: red jasper tantalum red jade tungsten
The metal with the highest melting point - tungsten
Tungsten Tungsten, also known as wolfram, is a chemical element with the chemical symbol W and atomic number 74. It is a grayish-white silvery metal found in nature only in chemical compounds. Tungsten has the highest melting point of all metals, at 3410°C (6170°F), and has remarkable corrosion ......
tags: used tungsten make tungsten used high
Diamond Diamond is a naturally occurring mineral composed of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal structure. Diamond is the hardest known natural substance and has the highest thermal and thermal conductivity of any known material. Diamonds are formed deep in the Earth’s mantle, where they are sub......
opposite sex stone
Unakite Unakite is a popular semi-precious gemstone that is composed largely of pink feldspar, green epidote and quartz. This type of stone is found worldwide in places such as the United States, South Africa, Brazil, India, Norway and Australia. Unakite is believed to be a powerful healing stone......
tags: unakite stone balance uvarovite green also
Pyrites Pyrites, otherwise known as fool’s gold, is a sulfide mineral composed of iron and sulfur. It has a metallic luster and pale brass-yellow hue that gives it a resemblance to gold, hence it’s nickname. The name “Pyrites” is derived from the Greek word “pyrites lithos” which translates......
tags: pyrites found can rhodium metal its
Metal neodymium
Rare Earth Magnets Rare earth magnets are a type of magnet composed of alloys of rare earth elements, such as neodymium, iron and boron. They are among the strongest magnets available to consumers and are commonly used in a number of industries, including electronics, medical, automotive, militar......
tags: magnets rare earth neodymium used such
fine spar
An Overview of Pyrophyllite Pyrophyllite is a naturally occurring mineral found in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and is also a common alteration product of mica in metamorphic rocks. Pyrophyllite is chemically very similar to talc, but is distinguished by having anisotropic properties. Pyroph......
tags: pyrophyllite used also pyrite used mineral
Yellow yttrium tantalum
Huangyan Tungsten Deposit Huangyan tungsten deposit, located in the central region of Zhejiang province, is a typical granite-hosted tungsten deposit in China. It is the largest tungsten resource in East China and has been mining for more than a century, since the early 20th century. The deposit ......
Green layer cerite
Vanadium-titanium-silicate (VIT) minerals are the most significant source of titanium and vanadium for industrial purposes. They are found in metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous rocks. Most of the VIT minerals occur in bauxite, an aluminum ore, and can also be found in layered intrusions such as ......
tags: minerals vit found high gst piezoelectric
brown yttrium niobium ore
Hematite is a mineral that’s been used for centuries in a variety of applications, from jewelry to construction. Though it’s often used in jewelry and decoration, it’s most commonly found in the form of what’s known as “hematite iron ore.” Hematite iron ore is a sedimentary rock composed of ......
tags: iron ore its hematite its used
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