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Calcite Calcite is a mineral composed of calcium carbonate. It is the mineral form of calcium carbonate and one of the most abundant minerals on Earth. Calcite has a hardness between 3 and 4 on the Mohs hardness scale and has a conchoidal to sub-conchoidal fracture. It can cleave along its plane......


Calcite is a mineral composed of calcium carbonate. It is the mineral form of calcium carbonate and one of the most abundant minerals on Earth. Calcite has a hardness between 3 and 4 on the Mohs hardness scale and has a conchoidal to sub-conchoidal fracture. It can cleave along its planes in three different directions and is most often found in a rhombohedral or hexagonal crystalline form. It also can posses an even greater variety of shapes and forms based on its environment.

Calcite is a chemical sedimentary rock formed under certain conditions by the precipitation of calcium carbonate. It is most often found as deposits in limestone and chalk formations. Calcite can also form in other sedimentary rocks such as shale, sandstone and dolomite. It is often associated with Pyrite and other sulfide minerals and also creates small stratifications when occurring in sedimentary environments.

Calcite is significant for its use as a refining material for information. It is an important ingredient in optical instruments, cameras and other photonic device due to its ability to refract and reflect light. Calcite is also used in chemical and optical industries because of its ability to polarize light by double refraction.

Calcite has an interesting optical property known as birefringence or double refraction. This is the properties responsible for giving calcite a noticeable interval between its two polarization planes of light. When light passes through calcite, it is split into two rays travelling at different velocities and bent at different angles. This creates two images of an object when viewed through a calcite prism when light is split. This is usually observed in its rhombohedral form.

Calcite is believed to have metaphysical properties as well. The mineral is believed to bring clarity and inspire creativity. It is also believed to promote happiness and improve relationships. Calcite has been used since ancient times for its metaphysical and spiritual properties as a protector and amplifier of energy.

Calcite is a very common and abundant form of calcium carbonate in nature and has many uses. It is used as a refining material, in the optical and chemical industries, and for its metaphysical properties. Calcite occurs in a variety of shapes and forms and has a unique optical properties of birefringence or double refraction, which is the ability to split light into two distinct rays.

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