concept marketing

marketing 1223 18/07/2023 1048 Hannah

Introduction Concept marketing is a relatively new and increasingly popular way for companies and organizations to promote their products and services. Concept marketing refers to the promotion of products or services with the help of a concept or story to create a powerful and emotional connecti......


Concept marketing is a relatively new and increasingly popular way for companies and organizations to promote their products and services. Concept marketing refers to the promotion of products or services with the help of a concept or story to create a powerful and emotional connection with customers. It is different from generic advertising, which has a more traditional style of simply telling potential customers about the product in question. This type of marketing uses ideas and concepts to create a powerful, emotional connection with potential customers, and it has been known to generate extremely large returns on investment.

Definition of Concept Marketing

Concept marketing is the use of ideas, stories, and images to create an emotional connection with your target audience. It is all about creating strong relationships with customers in order to turn them into loyal followers. This type of marketing is different from other forms of advertising because it does not rely on hard facts or cold statistics. Instead, it relies on creative storytelling, engaging visuals, and heartfelt messages. By making an emotional connection with your customer base, concept marketing is an effective way to form and maintain relationships with customers.

Benefits of Concept Marketing

One of the main benefits of concept marketing is that it is a more effective way to capture the attention of potential customers. Because it relies on emotional triggers, concept marketing can be used to create a deeper connection with customers and to form a long-term relationship with them. Additionally, concept marketing is a great way to increase brand awareness, as well as to generate positive feedback and customer loyalty. Finally, concept marketing is often much more affordable than other forms of advertising, and it can often generate larger returns on investment.

Examples of Concept Marketing

One effective example of concept marketing is the Coca-Cola campaign that featureda polar bear family enjoying a bottle of Coke. This campaign was able to create an emotional response in customers, as they were able to connect with the message and relate to the story. Additionally, the company was able to increase brand awareness and loyalty through this campaign.

Another example of concept marketing is Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign. This campaign was able to connect with customers by creating a powerful message of perseverance and determination. The campaign also encouraged customers to reach their goals and to “just do it.”


Concept marketing is an effective way to create a strong emotional bond with customers and to increase brand awareness. It is a powerful type of marketing that can generate large returns on investment, and it is also an affordable way to reach potential customers. By creating an emotional connection with customers through storytelling and visuals, concept marketing is an effective way to form and maintain relationships with customers.

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marketing 1223 2023-07-18 1048 "Amberlynn"

Concept marketing is a form of marketing which focuses on creating an in-depth understanding of a product, its components, and the customers needs and wants associated with the product. It is about creating an emotional or psychological bond between a particular product and consumers. It involves ......

Concept marketing is a form of marketing which focuses on creating an in-depth understanding of a product, its components, and the customers needs and wants associated with the product. It is about creating an emotional or psychological bond between a particular product and consumers. It involves the use of creative and often unorthodox promotional tactics to get the message across. This type of marketing has become increasingly popular in recent years with the emergence of social media.

By creating an emotional connection to a product, concept marketing compels customers to buy and remember the product. Concept marketing also adds an entertaining or entertainingly kitsch angle to the product and its promotion, creating an opinion or even a buzz and hype which draws in customers.

Concept marketing is not just about marketing an individual product but rather the entire product line and associated ideas and images. One way to do this is through brand storytelling and narrative, whereby businesses create a story or a series of stories that relate back to the larger concept or idea behind the product. This kind of narrative can be in the form of advertising campaigns, blog posts, music videos and even short films.

The success of concept marketing lies in understanding how consumers perceive the product and how they would react if exposed to the concept. Companies must be able to distinguish between customers wants and needs, as well as figure out how to create a perception of the product that resonates with the target audience. By understanding this, the company can create a concept that captures the imagination and interests of the target customers. This can be done by using creative and innovative ideas to reach out to the target market.

Concept marketing is a powerful tool for companies, as it allows them to create strong relationships with the customers and to develop a product with a real identity. It also allows businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors and create a product that stands out from the crowd. When done correctly, concept marketing can help a business grow rapidly, as it has the potential to generate increased sales and profits.

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