Consumer attitudes

marketing 1223 15/07/2023 1042 Sophia

Consumption concept is a basic concept of the economic life of modern society, which occupies the position of air in social economic life, and is the inevitable result of the development of commodity economy. We should correctly understand and correctly handle the relationship between production a......

Consumption concept is a basic concept of the economic life of modern society, which occupies the position of air in social economic life, and is the inevitable result of the development of commodity economy. We should correctly understand and correctly handle the relationship between production and consumption.

Consumer concept, from the theoretical point of view, is the reflection of capacity and demand relationship in physical, mental and consciousness level of a certain social group, and the sum of all behavior values formed under the commodity economy structure in the process of production and exchange of wealth, and is related to production, supply and demand. Consumer concept is an objective attitude, a kind of thought and behavior guide and a type of behavior pattern formed by the majority of consumers, which has certain collective properties of certain class, stratum, certain living environment and certain regional characteristics.

A correct consumer concept is not only conducive to the healthy and orderly development of the economic life of our society, but also conducive to the satisfaction of peoples multiple demands. How to form a correct consumer concept has a direct bearing on whether people can have a strong economic development in a healthy and sustainable way.

In order to correctly form a consumer concept, we should pay attention to the following aspects:

First, establish the concept of thrift and oppose waste. Waste is the behavior of treating money in an extremely impulsive and extravagant way. We advocate thrift, oppose extravagance and waste, and achieve rational consumption, so as to improve the rate of return on capital.

Second, do not seek joy in consumption, but establish life value orientation. The purpose of consumption is not simply to seek pleasure, but to strengthen the formation of social morality, correct the false values of money, and promote the achievement of higher ideals.

Third, strengthen the sense of responsibility and abide by the law. The formation of a correct consumer concept is inseparable from the law-abiding consciousness of the commu

Fourth, good national economic infrastructure and market environment. Without good economic infrastructure, correct consumer concept formation will be constrained.

Fifth, strengthen education and vigorously promote the formation of correct consumer concept. The formation and understanding of correct consumer concept needs to be promoted by education, which requires parents to set a good example, strengthen their education and vigorously promote the formation of correct consumption concept of their children.

In short, building a correct consumer concept is a long-term and comprehensive task involving multiple aspects. We should motivate ourselves, form the right concept and formulate long-term consumption plans and consumption goals. Through proper consumption and reasonable investment, we can achieve long-term economic benefits and social benefits.

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marketing 1223 2023-07-15 1042 SerendipitySoul

In today’s modern society, people have become increasingly materialistic and consumer-oriented, placing greater emphasis on the need to acquire material goods and services. This has fed into a trend of excessive consumption which has been dubbed ‘Superconsumption’. Superconsumption is characte......

In today’s modern society, people have become increasingly materialistic and consumer-oriented, placing greater emphasis on the need to acquire material goods and services. This has fed into a trend of excessive consumption which has been dubbed ‘Superconsumption’.

Superconsumption is characterised by an emphasis on designer labels, status symbols, and conspicuous consumption styles, in which consumption is driven by a desire to portray a certain image or lifestyle. It is seen as a form of conspicuous consumption, in which people spend money to differentiate themselves from those seen as ‘lesser’, to show off wealth and status, or to otherwise impress those around them.

Superconsumption is fuelled by increasing levels of consumer debt and the availability of credit, as well as a focus in popular culture and advertising, which places a great emphasis on the need for material possessions and instant gratification. It is also driven by a culture of competitive consumerism, as people strive to outdo each other in the acquisition of scarce and expensive items.

This excessive consumerism can lead to psychological problems such as narcissism and materialism, and the negative environmental effects of the production of consumer goods, such as air and water pollution, and the destruction of natural resources.

The trend of superconsumption is a threat to global sustainability, and it is up to individuals to become aware of the dangers of excessive consumerism and to choose to be more conscious of their choices. It is important to remember that happiness and satisfaction comes from more than just material possessions, and that it is much more satisfying to save money and invest in a more sustainable future.

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