Hot-rolled strip steel production process

Stainless steel 1202 28/06/2023 1050 Sophia

The Production Process of Hot Rolled Steel Strip Hot-rolled steel strip has wide application in the modern industrial production. It can be used in making industrial instruments, welded pipes and steel wire ropes, as well as for other general uses. The production process of hot-rolled steel strip......

The Production Process of Hot Rolled Steel Strip

Hot-rolled steel strip has wide application in the modern industrial production. It can be used in making industrial instruments, welded pipes and steel wire ropes, as well as for other general uses. The production process of hot-rolled steel strip involves various stages, which must be continually monitored and maintained in order to ensure a high-quality product.

The first stage of the production process involves melting the steel in a large electric arc furnace. Sugarcane or petroleum coke is used as the primary source of fuel for the electric arc furnace. In this process, the temperature in the furnace is raised to approximately 1500°C, causing the steel to liquefy. Once the steel has been melted, it can be cast into slabs using an inclined crane, which will move the steel to the rolling mill.

In the rolling mill, the steel slabs are heated again and passed through a series of rollers, slowly reducing the thickness and shape of the steel. In order to achieve the desired shape and thickness, steelworkers can adjust the speed and direction of the rollers. The steel goes through several cycles in the rolling mill, each time reducing its width and thickness before it is cooled down using water. Any required bending or shaping of the steel can then be performed at this stage.

Once the steel has been rolled and shaped, it is heated and passed through a series of rollers again, this time at a much higher speed. This final stage is known as ‘pickling’, and involves removing any dirt, scale and other contaminants from the surface of the steel. At the end of the pickling process, the steel is dried and then wound into coils.

Hot-rolled steel strips can then be cut to length and packaged for delivery. The final product is a versatile and durable steel product suitable for many industrial applications. The production process of hot-rolled steel strips requires many steps and must be closely monitored in order to produce reliable and high-quality products.

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Stainless steel 1202 2023-06-28 1050 Lumière

The hot-rolling process of producing strip steel, also known as the conticaster process, consists of four stages. Stage one is the heating process, the steel is heated to above 1,200°C in the reheating furnace to soften the steel and facilitate further processing. The heating process temperatur......

The hot-rolling process of producing strip steel, also known as the conticaster process, consists of four stages.

Stage one is the heating process, the steel is heated to above 1,200°C in the reheating furnace to soften the steel and facilitate further processing. The heating process temperature is closely monitored and controlled to ensure that the desired chemical composition is reached. The temperature must also take into consideration the specifications for the final product.

Stage two is the flattening process, the steel is then hot-rolled through rollers in a controlled process to achieve the desired dimensions. The rollers separate and flatten the steel under pressure to obtain the desired width and thickness.

Stage three is the annealing process, after the steel is hot-rolled and flattened, it is then annealed to reduce the brittleness. This heat treatment process allows increased plasticity and ductility to the metal while improving its machinability properties.

Stage four is the temper rolling, the steel is then run through more rollers to achieve the desired hardness and mechanical properties. The temper rolling process conditions the steel and increases the mechanical strength and hardness of the metal.

Finally, the steel is cold-rolled to the desired thickness and specifications and cut into strips of the desired length. After the strips are cut, they are ready to be packaged and shipped to the customer.

Overall, the hot-rolling process of producing strip steel is a highly efficient and accurate process to produce metal of the desired properties. The process ensures that the final product meets the required standards, providing a high quality output for customers.

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