Main properties and uses of martensitic stainless steel S46990 9Cr18MoV

Stainless steel 1202 29/06/2023 1029 Lila

Martensitic stainless steel S46990 is widely used in the manufacturing of components and materials due to its combination of excellent corrosion resistance and strength. This grade of stainless steel features 9% chromium and 18% molybdenum, resulting in excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance......

Martensitic stainless steel S46990 is widely used in the manufacturing of components and materials due to its combination of excellent corrosion resistance and strength. This grade of stainless steel features 9% chromium and 18% molybdenum, resulting in excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance. With relatively high carbon content of 0.5%, this grade of stainless steel offers enhanced machinability and formability compared to standard austenitic grades of stainless steel. Furthermore, due to its high hardness, it is often used for applications that require wear resistance.

This grade of stainless steel is commonly used in the manufacture of components and materials where wear resistance and excellent corrosion resistance are important. For example, it is often used in the food production industry, as it provides excellent corrosion resistance and is non-toxic. Likewise, it is often found in medical equipment due to its non-toxic properties and ability to resist corrosion. Furthermore, due to its high wear resistance, this grade of stainless steel is often used in engineering components such as valves and pipes, as well as in the motor industry to fabricate engine components.

This grade of stainless steel also offers excellent machinability due to its relatively high carbon content and can be readily machined to a variety of close tolerances. Its good formability makes it suitable for creating components with complex geometries. Furthermore, its hardness makes it well-suited for creating components and materials that are subject to wear and tear.

Aside from use in components and materials in the above mentioned industries, this grade of stainless steel is also commonly used in the aerospace industry to create components due to its excellent corrosion resistance and ability to retain its strength at elevated temperatures. It is also often used in the marine industry to create components that are subject to corrosion due to exposure to salt water.

In conclusion, Martensitic stainless steel S46990 is an excellent choice for use in components and materials where wear resistance, strength, and corrosion resistance are needed. Its relatively high carbon content gives it enhanced machinability, formability, and hardness, making it well-suited for a wide range of industries including the food processing industry, the medical sector, engineering, the motor industry, and the aerospace and marine sectors.

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Stainless steel 1202 2023-06-29 1029 RadianceGlow

Martensitic stainless steel S46990 (9Cr18MoV) is a chromium-containing stainless steel alloy with a hardness and high strength level surpassing conventional 400 series stainless steels. It also exhibits excellent corrosion and wear resistance, making it suitable for a variety of applications. S46......

Martensitic stainless steel S46990 (9Cr18MoV) is a chromium-containing stainless steel alloy with a hardness and high strength level surpassing conventional 400 series stainless steels. It also exhibits excellent corrosion and wear resistance, making it suitable for a variety of applications.

S46990 has reasonable impact toughness and a wide range of tensile strength (1 000 to 1 400 MPa). Moreover, it has excellent corrosion resistance in acid and alkaline solutions, making it particularly useful in corrosive environments. This alloy is therefore a good choice for applications in marine, food processing and medical environments. It also resists carburization, nitridation and oxidation.

In addition, 9Cr18MoV has a wide range of uses in industries such as chemical, electrical, power, and aerospace due to its good thermal and electrical conductivity. It is also used in applications such as nuclear reactors, gas turbines, pumps and high-pressure valves. This alloys are also widely used for tableware and other kitchen equipment, surgical instruments and cutting tools.

Due to its excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, S46990 is widely used in medical and industrial applications. Its corrosion resistance in marine and food processing environments make it an ideal choice for components in these industries, while its good thermal and electrical conductivity make it suitable for electrical and power applications. Finally, its resistance to carburization, nitridation and oxidation make it an excellent option in applications requiring high-temperature performance.

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