Stainless steel pitting potential measurement method GB 4334.9-48

Stainless steel 1202 27/06/2023 1053 Katie

,对这个标准有比较全面的介绍 Introduction GB 4334.9-48 is a national standard promulgated by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine for the measurement of corrosion potential (the open circuit potential) of stainless steels. The standard is mainly applicable to ......



GB 4334.9-48 is a national standard promulgated by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine for the measurement of corrosion potential (the open circuit potential) of stainless steels. The standard is mainly applicable to electrochemical corrosion experiments and process control of various stainless steels. The national standard uses copper-copper sulfate reference electrodes, silver chloride reference electrodes, and corrosion potential meters to measure the corrosion potential of stainless steels with a precision of 20 mV.

1 Scope

This standard specifies the test conditions and test methods for the corrosion potential measurement of stainless steels by a corrosion potential meter.

2 Principle

The stainless steel corrodes in the electrolyte and produces stainless steel ions, and then the anodic reaction and the cathodic reaction take place at the same time to form an electrochemical potential equilibration potential. Using a corrosion potential meter with a reference electrode, one end contacts the stainless steel electrode, and compares the measured potential with the known potential of the reference electrode, and finally converts the comparison results into a standard signal value.

3 Test Conditions

Test Solution: For stainless steels to be tested, the test solution should consist of 5% hydrochloric acid (or 10g/L chlorinated alum) or 10% sodium hydroxide solution or 0.01 mol/L sulfuric acid (or 0.002mol/L sodium sulfate).

Test Temperature: The test temperature should be 25±2℃.

Temperature Compensation: During the corrosion potential measurement, temperature compensation should be done according to the changes in the testing environment.

Instrument Sychronization: Before starting the measurement, the corrosion potential meter and the reference electrode should be synchronized.

4 Test Method

Instrument Setup: Put the corrosion test sample into the electrolyte stored in the test vessel with appropriate temperature, immerse the reference (copper-copper sulfate) electrode and the measurement electrode in the test solution and adjust the electrode distance to ensure that the space between them is not more than 1cm.

Connection: Put the reference equipment on the measurement instrument. Connect the copper-copper sulfate reference electrode to the A-end of the instrument, and connect the stainless steel electrode to the B-end of the instrument. If two or more measurement points are to be measured on the sample, connect the electrodes to the universal interface of the instrument in sequence.

Measurement: After the instrument is calibrated and connected correctly, select the measurement mode and calibration standard of the corrosion potential meter, adjust the parameters such as measuring time, measuring delay time, ratio, etc., and then press “Start”. The instrument will display the corrosion potential value of the stainless steel sample.

Result Record: Record the corrosion potential value obtained from the instrument and the calibration standard and the temperature of the test solution at the time of the test.

5 Result Sampling

The corrosion potential value of each organization shall be measured at least 3 times, and the result shall be the average value of 3 times of measurement.

6 Analysis and Evaluation

The measured corrosion potential value of the sample should be compared with the upper limit or lower limit in the relevant standards. In general, the measured data should be within the negative value corresponding to the upper limit of the steel grade in the standard, but for some special test processes, such as galvanizing and phosphating, the designated upper limit value may be higher.


The corrosion potential measurement of stainless steels is very important in the field of electrochemistry. GB 4334.9-48 is a national standard used to evaluate the corrosion of stainless steels. The article introduces the scope, principle, test conditions and test methods of the national standard in detail, and provides the resultsampling and analysis and evaluation of the results. The best way to ensure the accuracy of the test results is to accurately use the potential meter, reference electrode and related equipment, and strengthen the connection and calibration.

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Stainless steel 1202 2023-06-27 1053 LuminousGlimpse

Stainless Steel Corrosion Potential Measurement Method GB 4334.9-48 The stainless steel corrosion potential measurement method GB 4334.9-48 specifies the determination of corrosion potential parameters by using high-precision digital ultra-low current range multimeters. According to this standar......

Stainless Steel Corrosion Potential Measurement Method GB 4334.9-48

The stainless steel corrosion potential measurement method GB 4334.9-48 specifies the determination of corrosion potential parameters by using high-precision digital ultra-low current range multimeters. According to this standard, the corrosion potential measurement range is limited to 0-600 mV, which can be used for the evaluation of the corrosion resistance of type 304 stainless steel.

For carrying out the corrosion potentials testing process, a set of two-electrode probe is used for placing into the desired specimen environment. An external reference electrode is also fitted alongside the two-electrode probe and the current measurement is done with respect to this reference electrode. The current value obtained is recorded, processe and stored in the system’s local database.

The maximum allowable current range that can be measured accurately is set to deviate by no more than ±0.2 mV of the respective voltage range. The distance between the two-electrode probe and the reference electrode is kept between 20mm to 50 mm. The measurement is repeated at every 15-minute interval and the steady state current value obtained is considered as the corrosion potential of the material.

The mean value of the obtained corrosion potential values is considered as the stainless steel corrosion potential measurement, which is the evaluation result of the test. This standard not only provides the procedure to identify the corrosion potential values but also provides reference to determine the corrosion resistance parameters of type 304 stainless steel.

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