Chemical composition of chromium-nickel-manganese-nitrogen austenitic stainless steel 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N (Nitronic32)

Stainless steel 1202 30/06/2023 1047 Olivia

Chemical Composition of 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N (Nitronic 32) Austenitic Stainless Steel The Ferritic stainless steel 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N (Nitronic 32) is an austenitic austenitic stainless steel characterized by its excellent mechanical properties, particularly its wear resistance and fatigue resistance. It is ......

Chemical Composition of 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N (Nitronic 32) Austenitic Stainless Steel

The Ferritic stainless steel 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N (Nitronic 32) is an austenitic austenitic stainless steel characterized by its excellent mechanical properties, particularly its wear resistance and fatigue resistance. It is mainly used for high temperature and corrosive applications. 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N (Nitronic 32) contains a high proportion of chrome, nickel, and nitrogen, making it highly resistant to attack by heat, wear, and corrosion. The chemical composition of this alloy is given in the table below.

Element---------Composition (%)

Carbon (C)-----------0.04

Manganese (Mn)------2.0

Chromium (Cr)-------18.0

Nickel (Ni)-----------2.0

Molybdenum (Mo)----4.0

Nitrogen (N)---------12.0

Iron (Fe)-------------Balance

The 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N (Nitronic 32) austenitic stainless steel contains 0.04% carbon which gives it good resistance to temper embrittlement. The source of its corrosion resistance is the high level of chromium (18.0%), which gives it its passivating ability, and its low carbon content. Its high chromium content also ensures good resistance to high temperature oxidation.

The presence of nickel (2.0%) provides the steel with a good degree of corrosion resistance, particularly to specialized forms of corrosion such as pitting. The addition of molybdenum (4.0%) also provides good resistance to localized forms of corrosion and helps to increase its resistance to chloride ion attack. The presence of nitrogen (12.0%) also increases its corrosion resistance and gives it a bright and polished surface.

Overall, the 0Cr18Ni2Mn12N (Nitronic 32) austenitic stainless steel has good resistance to corrosion, heat, and wear, making it a popular choice for applications where these properties are required. Its low carbon content also makes it a good choice for use in welding applications.

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Stainless steel 1202 2023-06-30 1047 AuroraMist

Nitronic® 32 (0Cr18Ni2Mn12N) stainless steel is a high strength austenitic stainless steel that provides outstanding resistance to scaling and intergranular corrosion at elevated temperatures. This alloy is primarily used for applications that require high strength and good corrosion resistance a......

Nitronic® 32 (0Cr18Ni2Mn12N) stainless steel is a high strength austenitic stainless steel that provides outstanding resistance to scaling and intergranular corrosion at elevated temperatures. This alloy is primarily used for applications that require high strength and good corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures. It is also commonly used for structural components, and for components that are exposed to seawater and other harsh chemicals.

Nitronic® 32 (0Cr18Ni2Mn12N) stainless steel contains a high percentage of chromium and manganese, and an exceptionally low carbon content. The chromium content provides good resistance to stress corrosion cracking, and the manganese content improves weldability. In addition, the low carbon content provides excellent corrosion resistance and improved high temperature properties.

Nitronic® 32 (0Cr18Ni2Mn12N) stainless steel has a high nickel content of approximately 18%. Nickel is the main alloying element; it provides good strength, and aids in corrosion resistance by forming a protective layer on the alloy’s surface. Nitrogen is also included in the alloy in tiny amounts; it helps improve mechanical properties and also serves as an austenite stabilizer.

Nitronic® 32 (0Cr18Ni2Mn12N) is a highly resistant stainless steel that is highly resistant to scaling above 800°C (1472°F). It also offers excellentresistance to intergranular corrosion, even after long-term exposure at elevated temperatures. Nitronic 32 is commonly used for applications such as reactors and valves, piping, heat exchangers, and storage tanks, as well as a variety of aerospace and medical components.

Nitronic® 32 (0Cr18Ni2Mn12N) stainless steel is readily machined and weldable. It is available in a variety of forms including sheets, plates, tubes, bars, and wire. It is also available in a number of different finishes, such as brushed, polished, and anodized. Nitronic® 32 (0Cr18Ni2Mn12N) is an excellent choice for components that require excellent strength and resistance to harsh environments.

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