Martensitic Stainless Steel 1Cr13 High Temperature Fatigue and Influence of Medium Conditions

Stainless steel 1202 26/06/2023 1050 Sophia

Impact of High Temperature Fatigue and Media Conditions on 1Cr13 Martensitic Stainless Steel High temperature fatigue and media conditions can significantly affect the fatigue life and tensile strength of 1Cr13 Martensitic stainless steel. In this paper, it is discussed how these two parameters a......

Impact of High Temperature Fatigue and Media Conditions on 1Cr13 Martensitic Stainless Steel

High temperature fatigue and media conditions can significantly affect the fatigue life and tensile strength of 1Cr13 Martensitic stainless steel. In this paper, it is discussed how these two parameters act together to change the characteristics of the material.

Effect of Temperatures

The impact of high temperature fatigue on 1Cr13 Martensitic stainless steel is largely dependent on the temperature range of application. At low temperatures, a greater amount of deformation of the material is required to cause failure. This occurs due to the decrease in strength at lower temperatures, and the increase in plasticity. At higher temperatures, a smaller amount of deformation is necessary for failure, because of the increased strength and decreased plasticity of the material.

Furthermore, the temperature of application can also cause the development of a number of different microstructural changes. At higher temperatures, grains become elongated and recrystallize. This changes the structure and stiffens the material, thus increasing the strength. At lower temperatures, grain growth is inhibited, due to the lower mobility of the atoms. This hinders grain growth and reduces the strength of the material.

Effect of Media

The environmental conditions, or media, in which 1Cr13 Martensitic stainless steel is used can also impact its fatigue life and tensile strength. Excessive moisture can cause corrosion, and the temperature fluctuations caused by the media can cause thermal softening. In thermal softening, the microstructure of the material is softened, causing it to become brittle and reducing its fatigue life.

The presence of certain elements, such as sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen, can also interact with the material’s microstructure and affect its strength. For example, sulfur atoms can form inclusions that act as stress raisers, leading to the initiation of cracks and a reduced fatigue life. Similarly, nitrogen atoms can form voids that increase the amount of deformation necessary for failure, increasing the fatigue life.


In conclusion, high temperature fatigue and media conditions can have a significant impact on the fatigue life and tensile strength of 1Cr13 Martensitic stainless steel. At lower temperatures, the material is more plastic and less strong, while at higher temperatures the material is stiffer and stronger. In addition, the media in which the material is used can also cause changes in the microstructure and the presence of certain elements can alter the strength characteristics of the material.

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Stainless steel 1202 2023-06-26 1050 AuroraSparkle

1Cr13 is a martensitic stainless steel composed of corresponding amount of chromium and carbon. It has good hardenability and abrasion resistance. Its mechanical properties can be improved after hardening and tempering treatment. The 1Cr13 stainless steel has good corrosion resistance in mild and ......

1Cr13 is a martensitic stainless steel composed of corresponding amount of chromium and carbon. It has good hardenability and abrasion resistance. Its mechanical properties can be improved after hardening and tempering treatment. The 1Cr13 stainless steel has good corrosion resistance in mild and alkaline media and excellent thermal resistance at higher temperature.

At high temperature, the 1Cr13 stainless steel can maintain good stability, but the fatigue resistance decreases with the increase of temperature, and the stress and ductility will decrease due to the grain coarsening. After long-term aging at high temperature, the tensile strength of 1Cr13 stainless steel decreases, while the hardness increases, the elongation decreases and the impact toughness decreases.

Besides, the influence of different media on 1Cr13 stainless steel is also obvious. Generally speaking, the corrosion resistance of stainless steel to acid and alkali medium is not equal. In acidic media, the corrosion resistance of 1Cr13 stainless steel is strong and its corrosion rate is slow. However, in alkaline media, its corrosion resistance is weak and its corrosion rate is rapid.

When the 1Cr13 stainless steel is in a low temperature medium, its impact toughness and fatigue strength is good, but when the medium temperature is higher than the Curie temperature (742 ℃), the magnetism is weakened and at the same time its fatigue strength decreases, so it needs to choose a suitable working condition according to different requirements.

Therefore, in order to get the best performance of 1Cr13 stainless steel, it is necessary to control the temperature, medium and other factors. Taking into account the characteristics of 1Cr13 stainless steel in different working conditions, reasonable selection should be made according to the specific application requirements.

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