The Mold Making Process
The mold making process is a highly specialized type of manufacturing process used for producing molds for mass production. The mold making process typically involves the use of a special machine called a CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine to produce the molds. CNC machines are programmed with a computer to produce the molds. The CNC machine is put into a molding cell to machined the molds according to specifications. A thermoplastic or elastomer material is usually used during the mold making process. Once the mold is complete, it can be filled with the desired material to be molded and either cured or cooled in the molding cell.
Mold makers often use CAD (Computer-Aided Design) programs to develop the drawings for the molds. CAD programs are computer-based programs capable of creating highly detailed images of the molds. These images can be used to develop accurate blueprints of the molds. Once the blueprints are approved, the molds can be manufactured.
The mold making process involves several stages including the selection of materials, machining, curing, and finishing. The selection of materials is used to determine the durability and strength of the molds. The best material for a certain project is usually determined through a process of trial and error. After the selection of materials, the molds are machined according to the CAD drawings. This typically involves a process of milling the material to the correct shape and size. After the molds are machined, they are cured. The curing process usually involves exposing the molds to high temperatures or by applying heat or pressure. The curing process helps to strengthen the molds and make them more durable.
The last step of the mold making process is the finishing process. This process involves sanding and polishing the molds to make them look attractive. Special finishes may also be applied to the molds such as painting, glazing, and chrome plating. The mold making process is a precise and detailed process that requires skill and experience to produce quality molds.
Selection of Materials 选择材料
Machining 加工
Curing 硬化
Finishing 完成
Milling 搪孔
Painting 油漆
Glazing 悬浮
Chrome Plating 镀铬