Taiwan Land Bank

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Taiwan Land Bank Established in 1946, the Taiwan Land Bank (TLB) is the primary financial institution of Taiwan. TLB specializes in providing financial services to individuals, businesses, and government agencies, with a particular focus on rural and agricultural areas of Taiwan. TLB has a comple......

Taiwan Land Bank Established in 1946, the Taiwan Land Bank (TLB) is the primary financial institution of Taiwan. TLB specializes in providing financial services to individuals, businesses, and government agencies, with a particular focus on rural and agricultural areas of Taiwan.

TLB has a complete range of products and services that meet the banking needs of customers. These include savings accounts and deposits, loans, pensions, mortgages, foreign exchange, money transfers, insurance, and internet banking.

TLBs lending services provide customers with easy access to their funds and the opportunity to purchase a variety of assets. TLB provides personal loans to individuals, which can be used for a variety of purposes such as medical expenses, home renovation, and travel expenses. TLB also offers business loans to expand or improve the operations of an enterprise. These loans can be applied for either long-term or short-term purposes, with preferential rates and interest-free periods being offered for select borrowers and enterprises.

TLB also provides mortgage services to customers. Customers can use their assets to purchase a property or refinance an existing loan, with preferential terms and interest rates available. While TLB does not provide insurance services, it does offer customers the opportunity to purchase insurance from partnered companies, using TLBs online banking services.

Currently, TLB services over 11 million customers, with its head office located in Hsinchu, Taiwan. The bank operates more than 300 branches and over 1,200 service points all around the nation, making it an ideal choice for customers seeking convenient banking services.

TLB is part of the Financial Supervisory Commission of Taiwan. It is regulated by the commission as well as other financial regulators. TLB has been notably praised for its efficiency, transparency, and safe operations. Consequently, it has received numerous financial awards, such as the award for Best Financial Services Bank in the 2013 Taiwan Corporate Banking Awards.

In short, TLBs comprehensive portfolio of services and its widespread reach nationwide make it an ideal choice for both personal and corporate banking needs. Utilizing TLBs services not only helps customers to save time and effort, but also allows them to benefit from preferential terms, interest rates, and many other rewards.

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