Skinner's Reinforcement Theory

Introduction Albert Bandura, a highly influential and well-known personality in the fields of psychology and behavioral sciences, is known for his social learning and cognitive developmental theory known as Social Cognitive Theory. One of the aspects of this theory is the concept of reinforcement......


Albert Bandura, a highly influential and well-known personality in the fields of psychology and behavioral sciences, is known for his social learning and cognitive developmental theory known as Social Cognitive Theory. One of the aspects of this theory is the concept of reinforcement, which is concerned with the strengthening of the connection between an action and a reward or a punishment. Reinforcement, according to Bandura, occurs when an individual experiences pleasant or unpleasant consequences after performing certain behaviors. This concept of reinforcement has been applied to numerous contexts to identify and help shape behaviors and has been incorporated into various educational practices. Bandura’s reinforcement theory is key to understanding how individuals learn and what motivates them to behave differently when challenged with different situations.

Definition of Reinforcement

Reinforcement is defined as, “any reward (positive/natural) or punishment (negative/coercive) that reinforces a behavior or increases the probability that the behavior will be repeated” (Bandura, 1997). Reinforcement can be used to strengthen a desired behavior or to discourage a behavior deemed inappropriate. Bandura’s theory states that reinforcement is a process of providing positive or negative incentive to motivate and encourage people to learn and change their behavior.

Types of Reinforcement

The concept of reinforcement can take two forms: positive and negative. Positive reinforcement involves rewarding desirable behavior; it is an effective way of increasing desirable behavior while decreasing undesirable behavior. Negative reinforcement, on the other hand, encourages individuals to repeat certain behaviors because they have a fear or discomfort of experiencing an unpleasant consequence if the behavior is not repeated.

There are four main types of reinforcement: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, and extinction. Positive and negative reinforcement are rewards and punishments intended to encourage or discourage a certain behavior, respectively. Punishment is the consequence of an unwanted behavior that is designed to reduce or stop the behavior from being repeated. Extinction is a form of punishment that removes the reward previously associated with the undesired behavior.

Application of Reinforcement Theory

Banduras theory of reinforcement has been widely used in everyday life contexts. For instance, students can be reinforced for completing tasks by receiving grades, badges, or rewards. Drawing upon the academic context, teachers can give out rewards to students who show improvement in their grades and discipline in the classroom. This is a positive reinforcement that encourages positive behavior while discouraging undesirable behavior. Similarly, negative reinforcement can be used to increase or discourage behaviors by establishing certain consequences. This could involve disciplinary action such as time-outs, detention, or expulsions in a school setting or suspension or termination in a workplace setting.

Reinforcement strategies can also be used to help individuals alter their behavior in order to achieve desired goals. For instance, in a business setting, employees can be rewarded for a job well done in the form of praise, bonuses, or other forms of advancement. Similarly, in a school setting, students can be rewarded for excellent grades, good behavioral habits, or active participation in extracurricular activities.


Overall, Bandura’s reinforcement theory is one of the most widely accepted psychological theories of learning and behavior. It explains how the motivating force behind behavior can be based on positive or negative reinforcement. This theory has been used in a range of contexts to shape and help individuals manage their behavior. It provides guidance on how to increase the probability of desired responses and reduce the probability of undesired responses. Reinforcement is a powerful tool for addressing and shaping behavior, as it is both motivating and realistic.

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