Damage Causes and Maintenance of Hydraulic Vibrator

Hydraulic vibratory pile driver damage causes and maintenance Hydraulic vibratory pile drivers are widely used in various projects due to their high efficiency and construction quality. When the hydraulic vibration pile driver is damaged, it will affect the engineering construction quality and sc......

Hydraulic vibratory pile driver damage causes and maintenance

Hydraulic vibratory pile drivers are widely used in various projects due to their high efficiency and construction quality. When the hydraulic vibration pile driver is damaged, it will affect the engineering construction quality and schedule, and then increase engineering costs. It is necessary to understand the damage property and its cause of the hydraulic vibratory pile driver, to take reasonable preventive and maintenance measures to reduce the occurrence of the failure and ensure its normal operation.

Hydraulic vibratory pile driver is mainly composed of the power unit, driving unit, vibrations unit and pile saddle, in which the power unit is mainly used to provide pressurized oil, driving unit is mainly used to increase the drilling frequency and vibration force, vibration unit is used to increase oil pressure and then provide a driving force to vibrates vibratory pile driver and pile saddle is mainly used to fix pile. When the hydraulic vibratory pile driver is damaged, the damage may be caused by the engine, the vibration unit or the pile saddle.

The main damage of the power unit may include the injection system, cooling system, intake & exhaust system and fuel system. During the operation of the engine, the quality of the fuel oil should be checked regularly. Dirt, water, rust particles and impurities contained in the fuel oil can cause oxidation and corrosion of the fuel system components and cause clogging in the fuel system. For example, if there is too much iron in the diesel oil, the iron oxide particle can block the nozzle orifice, resulting in abnormal combustion process and power output. If the engine runs under abnormal pressure and temperature for a long time, it will cause mechanical wear of the engines internal components, and the power output will decrease. In order to prevent the injector nozzle from clogging, the filter used to filter the fuel oil should also be replaced regularly to ensure that the fuel oil is clean.

The cooling system of the power unit consumes a large portion of energy in the entire hydraulic vibratory pile driver structure, and it is easy to be damaged during operation. The oil temperature should be checked frequently to ensure the normal operation of the oil pump. The cooling fins should also be cleaned regularly to ensure that the air can enter smoothly from the oil cooler. If the cooling fins are blocked, the heat dissipation capacity of the oil cooler will be reduced and the temperature of the fuel oil will be increased. In severe cases, the engine cylinder may be burned due to high temperature, resulting in power failure. Therefore, oil system filters should be replaced regularly and cooling fins should be cleaned regularly to ensure that the hydraulic vibratory pile driver can work properly.

The vibration driving unit of hydraulic vibratory pile driver is an important part of the pile driving system, responsible for vibrating pile and increasing pile strength, while high vibration frequency and force are key factors to determine the success of pile driving. The damage of the vibration unit may be caused by worn or damaged parts, such as driving shaft and eccentric device. If the drive shaft of the vibration unit is worn, the vibration force will be weakened, and the vibration frequency will be reduced accordingly. If the eccentric device is damaged, the connection of the connecting rod will be loose and the vibration performance will be affected. Therefore, regular inspection of the vibration driving unit components, timely replacement of worn parts and thorough maintenance of the vibration driving unit are necessary.

The damage of the pile saddle will affect the stability of the pile driving, resulting in the decrease of pile driving force. During the operation of the vibratory pile driver, the pile saddle should be checked and adjusted frequently. If the pile saddle is found to be loose, the connecting bolts should be tightened in time. The pile saddle should be soaked in a special oil before assembly and installed strictly according to the installation requirements. In addition, the pile saddle should be degreased to prevent the pile saddle from rusting.

In summary, the damage of hydraulic vibratory pile driver can be caused by engine, vibration unit or pile saddle, and the damage of these components can be avoided by regular inspection, maintenance and replacement of worn parts. It is necessary to take preventive measures on a regular basis to avoid the occurrence of damage and ensure the normal operation of the vibratory pile driver.

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