Electronic Belt Scale

Electronic Belt Scales Modern electronic belt scales accurately and continuously weigh material that is transported on a conveyor. This weighing device is used in a wide variety of industries, including mining, chemical processing, bulk material handling, and food processing, to accurately monito......

Electronic Belt Scales

Modern electronic belt scales accurately and continuously weigh material that is transported on a conveyor. This weighing device is used in a wide variety of industries, including mining, chemical processing, bulk material handling, and food processing, to accurately monitor and record the flow rate, total material accumulation, and total material shipped of a material being transported on a conveyor belt.

Using a combination of digital weighing technology, sensor technology, and digital signal processing, an electronic belt scale system is able to accurately and reliably measure the rate and total of any bulk material that is moving on a conveyor belt. The system is typically installed in an existing conveyor belt installation. It is designed to operate with minimal maintenance, minimal operator adjustment, and little interruption to the normal operations of the conveyor system.

An electronic belt scale consists of a weigh bridge, weighing conveyors, sensing elements, and associated electronics and software. The weigh bridge is a load cell system that is installed in the conveyor bed, suspended from the idler rollers, or supported from the side of the conveyor frame. The weighing conveyors consist of top and bottom runs of belt that the material is fed onto and caught by. The sensing elements measure the belt speed, and material loading and density, and the associated electronics and software process the data and calculate the rate and total of the material being conveyed.

Typically, there are multiple idler rollers and several load cells in a weigh bridge, depending on the size and capacity of the conveyor. Each load cell consists of a transducer, a supporting beam and mounting scheme, and a digital display. The transducer, or strain gauge, measures the deflection of the weigh bridge caused by the load of the material being conveyed. The digital display is used to output the measured reading, showing the current and cumulative totals.

The data from the sensors and load cells is processed by a digital signal processor (DSP), which transforms the signals into meaningful measurements and calculations. The output from the DSP is then used to control the conveyor feed rate, adjust the conveyor belt speed, and control any other factor that is necessary to maintain a constant and reliable flow of material.

Using an electronic belt scale helps insure that material is managed efficiently and economically. The electronic belt scale is an important tool in maintaining product quality, ensuring maximum production throughput, and helping to keep material costs to a minimum.

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