Casting sand core No. 5 cast iron core support bearing capacity

casting 480 1061 Hannah

Abstract This paper introduces the casting sand core 5 number cast iron core bearing capacity. The main technology used in the production is air press vacuum sand core method and shell mold casting technology. After physical and chemical analysis of the specimens, the bearing capacity of the cast......


This paper introduces the casting sand core 5 number cast iron core bearing capacity. The main technology used in the production is air press vacuum sand core method and shell mold casting technology. After physical and chemical analysis of the specimens, the bearing capacity of the cast iron core material produced by this method is tested. The results of the experiment show that the bearing capacity of the cast iron core with the size of 5 number exceeds the standard.


At present, the application of cast iron has become more and more widely. With the continuous improvement of its production technology, it has become the preferred material for many parts manufacturers. Among them, the use of cast iron core is widely used in the field of precision castings and hot die castings. As an important part of this production process, the bearing capacity of the cast iron cores directly affects the application performance of the castings.

In order to meet the needs of its production, the casting sand core 5 number cast iron core produced by the technical personnel of our company adopts the method of air press vacuum sand core and shell mold casting to produce. After the product is tested and qualified, it is widely used in precision casting processes. In order to make more accurate evaluations on the bearing capacity of this product, detailed physical and chemical tests have been conducted.

Physical and chemical tests

In order to determine the bearing capacity of the Cast Iron Core 5 number produced, the physical and chemical tests were conducted. First of all, the physical properties including the color, the size and the shape of the cast iron core were inspected. After the inspection, the morphology and properties of samples of different loads were observed through the electron microscope. In addition, the chemical composition of the molten iron was analyzed using spectrographic analysis to determine the content of various alloying elements.

Experimental equipment

In order to further understand and analyze the bearing capacity of the Cast Iron Core 5 number produced, a bearing capacity Experimental Equipment was used. This equipment is mainly composed of a bearing force generator, a casting iron core bearing table and a digital display device. Through the combination of these components, it is possible to measure the bearing capacity of the cast iron core 5 number under different conditions.

Dynamic load test results

The dynamic load test results show that the bearing capacity of the Cast Iron Core 5 number is significantly higher than that of the original standard. Specifically, under the load of 20 KN, the maximum deformable value of the cast iron core is 0.038mm, which is greater than the deformation range of the standard of 0.028, indicating that the bearing capacity is higher than the standard.


Based on the experiment results, it can be concluded that the bearing capacity of the cast iron core 5 number exceeded the standard. This is mainly due to the higher temperature of the metal, as well as the good performance of the air press vacuum sand core and shell mold casting technology used in the production process. In addition, the physical and chemical components of the molten iron also contribute to the excellent performance of the cast iron core.

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