Choose lower rolling temperature and spinning temperature for deep-processed low-profile gold steel wire rod

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For low-carbon iron wire products with deep processing, a lower rolling temperature and sputtering temperature should be selected. As one of the most used metal materials, iron has great advantages of good processing performance, low cost and low energy consumption in difficult forming process. I......

For low-carbon iron wire products with deep processing, a lower rolling temperature and sputtering temperature should be selected.

As one of the most used metal materials, iron has great advantages of good processing performance, low cost and low energy consumption in difficult forming process. In order to ensure the quality of products, the forming process of iron processing needs to control the temperature and other factors. For low-carbon iron wire products with deep processing, metal forming process technicians need to select proper rolling temperature and sputtering temperature.

Low rolling temperature is the most important factor for iron processing. Rolling temperature determines the workability and strength of metal materials. In the process of metal forming, higher rolling temperature improves the ability of plastic deformation and thus reduces the plastic work hardening of materials. On the contrary, when the rolling temperature is too low, the plasticity of metal materials is weak, the stretching and compressing ability is decreased and the probability of breaking will increase. Therefore, the rolling temperature of iron with low-carbon content should not be too low, or it will not meet the requirements of products.

The sputtering temperature is also very important in iron processing. Sputtering temperature determines the surface gloss of metal materials. Generally speaking, the higher the sputtering temperature, the higher the surface gloss. However, the sputtering temperature should not be too high, which willeasily lead to surface oxidation, resulting in sensitive rust on metal products. It is necessary to ensure a balance between low sputtering temperature and high product quality in actual production.

In conclusion, for low-carbon iron wire products with deep processing, the rolling temperature cannot be too low and the sputtering temperature cannot be too high. Experienced technicians should adjust the temperature in accordance with the characteristics of metal materials and products to ensure the product quality of metal forming.

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