Legal representative

1. Definition of Agency The legal concept of agency is a type of legal relationship between two parties, the principal and the agent. In general terms, the agent agrees to act on the principal’s behalf, doing whatever the principal wants him or her to do. An agency relationship is often establis......

1. Definition of Agency

The legal concept of agency is a type of legal relationship between two parties, the principal and the agent. In general terms, the agent agrees to act on the principal’s behalf, doing whatever the principal wants him or her to do. An agency relationship is often established in business when a company needs to have work done which it cannot do itself, and so it enlists the services of an independent third party.

2. Types of Agents

Agents can be broken down into three different categories, each of which works within specific guidelines and regulations that the agent must adhere to. The following are the three types of agents:

a. General Agent: This type of agency allows the agent is to act on the principal’s behalf for a specific task. For example, a company might hire a real estate agent to find a prospective tenant for a property. The agent is responsible only for finding the tenant, not for managing the tenancy after it has been established.

b. Special Agent: This type of agency involves the agent and the principal agreeing to tasks or roles that are outside of the general agent’s purpose. A sales agent for a company, for example, might be given the task of not only finding prospective buyers but also to handle after-sales customer relationships.

c. Universal Agent: This type of agent is given the widest range of power and can act on the principal’s behalf in almost any way. In many cases, this type of agent is used as a “proxy” or “proxy”, where the principal delegates all decision-making authority to the agent.

3. Principal-Agent Relationships

In a principal-agent relationship, the principal entrusts the agent with the authority to act on their behalf. The principal is not only responsible for the actions of the agent but can also be held responsible for any damages caused by the agent’s actions. This is why it is important for both parties to enter into an agency agreement that outlines the responsibilities and liabilities of both the principal and the agent.

4. Legal Responsibilities

When considering any type of agency, it is important to understand the legal responsibilities of both parties. The agent is duty-bound to act in the best interests of the principal, while the principal must provide compensation to the agent and act in good faith in regards to the agreement. Agents must also be aware of their fiduciary duties, which require agents to act solely in the interests of their principals.

5. Benefits of Agency

The benefits of agency agreements are numerous. For one, the principal can enlist an expert in the field who is familiar with the industry, and the agent can focus on the task at hand rather than the operational aspects of the principal’s business. Agents often have the experience and resources to handle any problems that may arise, and by having an agency agreement in place, the principal is less likely to experience any unforeseen issues or surprises.

6. Examples of Agency Agreements

A few examples of common agency agreements include employment contracts, estate planning, product distribution and sales contracts, freight carrier services, and outsourcing services. Each of these arrangements offers a different set of benefits and risks, and it’s important to understand each party’s rights and responsibilities prior to entering into an agency agreement.


The legal concept of agency is an important one, as it outlines the rules and regulations under which an agent may act on behalf of a principal. By having an agency agreement in place, principals and agents can protect themselves from potential liabilities and ensure that the relationship runs smoothly.

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