GB/T16665--1996 Energy saving monitoring method for air compressor unit and air supply system

,要求用到GB/T16665--1996空气压缩机组及供气系统节能监测方法 Compressed air is one of the major applications of energy in many industrial enterprises. Strengthening the control and management of compressed air systems and monitoring their energy consumption is an important measure to promote energy-......


Compressed air is one of the major applications of energy in many industrial enterprises. Strengthening the control and management of compressed air systems and monitoring their energy consumption is an important measure to promote energy-saving production in enterprises. The GB/T 16665-1996 Air Compressor Unit and Air Supply System Energy Monitoring Method specifies the energy monitoring method of the compressor unit and air supply system, which provides a reliable scientific basis and technical support for energy saving and consumption reduction in energy-consuming products and their use.

The purpose of GB/T 16665-1996 is to formulate a standard for energy monitoring of air compressor unit and air supply system from the aspects of measuring instruments, data evaluation and improvement and corporate management. According to this standard, energy efficiency monitoring of air compressor unit and air supply system includes two parts: one is the energy efficiency monitoring of air compressor unit, the other is the energy efficiency monitoring of air supply system.

The purpose of the energy monitoring of the air compressor unit is to accurately and clearly show the comprehensive energy efficiency of the compressor unit and its key components, such as compressor efficiency and cooling, so that the user can pay attention to all aspects of the energy consumption related to the air compressor system. Use the measured data to analyze and troubleshoot the root cause of system energy consumption and find effective solutions.

The purpose of the energy monitoring of the air supply system is to accurately and clearly show the comprehensive energy consumption of the entire system and its key components, so that the user can pay attention to all aspects of energy consumption related to the compressed air system, and use the measured data to analyze and troubleshoot the root cause of the system energy consumption, and look for effective solutions.

In the energy monitoring of compressor units and air supply systems, it is necessary to select appropriate instruments and measurement points according to the characteristics of the test objects, accurately collect energy consumption data, statistically analyze the data, and take corresponding energy saving measures for the problems found.

In actual production, the energy monitoring of compressor units and air supply systems should be regularly carried out; the results should be reflected in the corporate energy management system; the professional energy supervision personnel should be set up; the responsibilities and principles of energy conservation enterprises should be improved; and the measures for energy conservation in accordance with the actual situation should be formulated.

In short, the GB/T 16665-1996 Air Compressor Unit and Air Supply System Energy Monitoring Method provides an effective reference for the energy monitoring and management of enterprises, and can be used to improve the energy utilization efficiency of compressor units and air supply systems, reduce energy consumption and achieve energy conservation.

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